REMINDER: Student Led Conferences PYP – Monday, June 19

REMINDER: Student Led Conferences PYP – Monday, June 19

REMINDER: Student Led Conferences PYP – Monday, June 19 2000 1271 School Office PYP

Student Led Conferences provide another way for parents to learn more about their child and their learning at school. Student Led Conferences will be held for all PYP students (Early Years and Elementary) on Monday, June 19.

Please be sure you carefully read this information so you understand the intent and process behind these special conferences with your child.

Student Led Conference Sign Up links can be found here.

Please note: Monday, June 19th is not a regular school day. Your child will come to school with you for their individual conference hour and then leave with you when the conference is finished. This means the following for all PYP students (Early Years and Elementary): there are no school buses, no lunch and no after school activities on this day.