Dress-Up Day (No Uniforms!) 🎃Friday, 27th October

Dress-Up Day (No Uniforms!) 🎃Friday, 27th October

Dress-Up Day (No Uniforms!) 🎃Friday, 27th October 2560 1707 School Office MYP & DP

As we celebrate the end of half-term, this Friday, 27th October, we will allow all students (MYP 1 to MYP 5) to dress-up in either “Halloween-type” festive wear or to dress down in “All Black”. Please remember that we still have a dress code, so all students should still be dressed appropriately. 

Please celebrate the end of the half-term with all of your Hallow’s Eve styles. We can’t wait to see your festive and appropriate outfits on Friday!