We have had a series of ongoing illnesses in the PYP section throughout the winter. We kindly remind parents to keep your child at home if he/she is ill. Children who have had a fever, have been vomiting or who have had diarrhea should be kept at home for a minimum of 24 hours after symptoms have passed. Some sources suggest keeping your child at home for 48 hours.
Keeping your child at home until they have completely recovered will ensure that illnesses will not be shared by children returning to school when they are still potentially contagious. Doing so will also greatly reduce the risk of a recurrence of an illness which we have seen countless times already this school year.
Before your child returns to school please also keep in mind that it is necessary that she/he has recovered to the point of being able to participate fully in all school activities, including outside play.
We also remind you that we will call you to come to collect your child if your child is too ill to be at school.
If, when she/he is at school, your child is vomiting, has diarrhea, has a fever or is suffering to the point that she/he cannot remain in the classroom we will call you to come collect your child. To ensure the comfort and well-being of your child and to ensure the school environment remains a safe and healthy place for all of us, we ask that you come to collect your child as quickly as possible. In addition to creating conditions where others subsequently become sick, it is disheartening to have children waiting hours to be collected when they are sick.
We understand that it may be challenging for you in terms of work and other commitments to keep your child at home or to come and collect her/him during the school day. Doing so will ensure your child receives the best care, is able to recuperate fully and will keep other members of the school community healthy.
Thank you for your understanding, collaboration and for helping to keep our school environment healthy and safe for everyone.