PYP2 educational visit to La Storga park

PYP2 educational visit to La Storga park

PYP2 educational visit to La Storga park 1920 1080 School Office PYP

Dear PYP2 Parents

This is our next educational visit! Please read all of the information below and please let us know if you have any questions. Please also note that all confirmed visits are always available also in the “School Trips” section of the H-ello app.

Thank you and kind regards,
The Y2 Team


  • When: Wednesday, March 26th
  • Where: Treviso
  • What: La Storga park
  • Unit of Inquiry Sharing the Planet: as part of developing understanding of this unit of Inquiry about Buildings and Structures, the students will engage in activities aimed at developing their understanding of using different materials to build a structure and how form and function can inform the design process. Students will be given a building challenge where, through trial and error, they will test their knowledge of form, function, characteristics of various materials, and architectural soundness.


  • Program: We will leave school at 8.30 and return by the end of the school day.
  • What to wear: comfortable clothes they can get dirty in, a rain jacket, a sun hat and comfortable walking shoes
  • What to bring: a small backpack (no trolley) and a full water bottle
  • Snack: the school will provide it
  • Lunch: the school will provide it (students should not bring any food with them)
  • In case of rain: we have chosen an alternative activity that can be done indoors, so the educational visit will still be held

What to do if:

  • My child can’t participate: if it’s either a scheduled absence or your child is sick, please inform us as soon as possible. Please note: the educational visit is effectively part of the didactic programme of the school. For this reason, we expect all students to participate.

Payment and confirmation:

  • Daily trips are included in the “2024-25 daily trips” payment so no extra payment is needed for this trip.