Our Year 5 students have begun preparing for the PYP Exhibition, a several month long research project around a topic of their choice. Their topic selections are inspired by the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals and range from issues such as Gender Equality to Life Below Water.
Your expertise, and the expertise of people you know, can provide real-life context and new perspectives for our students. We kindly ask for your assistance in providing global collaboration opportunities for our Year 5 students.
Our students’ topics are listed below. Are you an expert in any of these areas or do you know any experts who would be willing to speak with our students? Please complete this form to let us know if we can contact you or someone you know about a certain topic. Thank you!
No Poverty/Sconfiggere la povertà
Gender Equality/Parita’ di genere
Life on Land/Vita sulla terra
Reducing Inequality/Ridurre le disuguaglianze
Responsible Production and Consumption of Goods/Consumo e produzione responsabili
Quality Education/Istruzione di qualità
Good Health and Well-Being/Salute e benessere
Climate Action/Lotta contro il cambiamento climatico
Life Below Water/Vita sott’acqua
Affordable Clean Energy/Energia pulita e accessibile