CAS/SA Projects and Initiatives

CAS/SA Projects and Initiatives

CAS/SA Projects and Initiatives 2000 1333 School Office

๐Ÿ™ We are most pleased to formalize the new Business & Coding Club, happening on Mondays, 13:30-14:00 in the Business – Economics 1 Room, open to MYP 3 through DP 2 students. We are looking for DP 1 students to take this over as their CAS project. The first project is about video game development, establishing a company and selling the product in student fairs and beyond. If you are interested please write to Mr Graudins and Mr Schram and copy your CAS coordinator on the email. Hurry up, 5 more spots available!

๐ŸŽ—๏ธ Calling for performers for the upcoming H-FARM Talent Show: Shine like the stars & use the fun towards a fundraising campaign! Are you into singing, dancing, magic tricks, comedy, jokes, skits, gymnastics, playing an instrument? Further details and signup information in the poster here. We are counting on the parents’ help to convince students to sign up for this lovely community event.

๐Ÿฅ˜ Remember Foody, the H-FARM Community Recipe Book project, meant to fundraise towards ResQ, the humanitarian civil fleet saving migrants in the Mediterranean? Our Foody recipe book is available here and we are circulating it back to our community. Please donate towards ResQ: a collection box is available at the MYP/DP reception and your contribution is highly appreciated!

๐Ÿ™ In an effort to build bridges with the local community, our school has established a partnership with the local public schools in Silea, Roncade and Biancade. The project, led by Professor Pitarresi, called โ€œUnited through scienceโ€ will allow groups of 20 external students to access our labs for hands-on biology and chemistry alternating classes. 10 DP 1 students volunteered to teach external students, allowing them to build on new sets of skills. This experience counts towards their CAS program. 

๐ŸŽ—๏ธ For their Service as Action project Sole and Stella Sofia, MYP 1, chose to organize mentor sessions for PYP 5 students working on their Personal Project, read more info in the poster here. Congratulations!

๐ŸŽ—๏ธ Letโ€™s celebrate the SA project Chess Club led by a group of MYP 3 students. Great job!