For their CAS (Creativity, Activity, Service) programme and in particular for the Service strand, DP students have been working towards community building on Campus. The school applauds the efforts of Emma D’Andria, Chiara Zanatta, and Letizia Possamai who successfully organised the PYP Halloween Fundraising Trail, through which thanks to your generosity, managed to raise a little bit over 500 Euros. Proceeds will go to Unicef Italy for the purchase of RUTF (Ready-to-Use Therapeutic Food) treatment for severe malnutrition.
Furthermore, the recent Modern Design presentation & hands-on activities carried out by DP 1 students for PYP 4 students was highly appreciated by our primary students. Upcoming starting with the new semester a few other free after school clubs will be held by the DP 1 students for the primary students: PYP Enrichment STEM Club and PYP Enrichment Reading Club.
The school applauds the DP2 students who successfully organised the Breast Cancer Awareness Week in October, and is happy to announce a new STEM Club organised by DP students for both upper middle schoolers and DP students.
The whole community is invited to contribute to Foody, the H-FARM Community Recipe Book project, meant to fundraise towards ResQ, the humanitarian civil fleet saving migrants in the Mediterranean, whose spokesperson Cecilia Strada was a guest speaker in our school this week.
On the Service as Action programme, our middle schoolers are furthering also interesting projects such as a no violence against women event, a collection of clothes and beauty products for Centro Donna Padova, a fundraiser towards FIDO AMICO canile to buy medicine for the abandoned dogs, a basketball tournament, a Winter Formal dance/party for the upper middle classes for which they are currently selling tickets.