H-ACK From Bricks To Clicks

H-ACK From Bricks To Clicks

H-ACK From Bricks To Clicks 4000 2250 School Office PYP

Saturday, February 24 – 9:00 AM – 8:00 PM @LaSerra, H-FARM Campus

Together with isybank, the digital bank of Intesa Sanpaolo Group, we invite you to take part in a one-day hackathon where you can redesign unique innovative experiences that capture the attention of potential customers by exploring engaging strategies and new environments, especially digital ones.
L’evento è gratuito ma è necessario registrarsi usando questo Eventbrite link. For further details: hack@h-farm.com
Consigliato agli studenti dai 16 anni in su, ma l'evento è aperto a tutta la nostra comunità!