Orientamento e Careers Guidance

Orientamento e Careers Guidance 1707 2560 School Office MYP & DP

DP 2 Students Individual Meetings with Counsellors  All DP2 students are invited to review the H-FARM application timeline…

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Un messaggio del PTA

Un messaggio del PTA 1175 582 School Office PYP

The PTA is a group of enthusiastic parents and passionate teachers who joined forces to create the best…

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Messaggio di inizio anno a genitori e studenti

Messaggio di inizio anno a genitori e studenti 2560 1776 School Office

Dear Parents and Students, Welcome home! I mean this literally for our boarding students, who are already starting…

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Offerta dopo scuola 2023-2024 ampliata e promemoria importanti prima di iniziare

Offerta dopo scuola 2023-2024 ampliata e promemoria importanti prima di iniziare 966 738 School Office PYP

H-FARM International School is taking education beyond the classroom with an enhanced lineup of after-school activities for the…

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Un'entusiasmante espansione nel Campus di H-FARM

Un'entusiasmante espansione nel Campus di H-FARM 1920 1080 School Office PYP

BLT scooters for DP students In a remarkable stride towards enhancing academic journeys, the H-FARM Campus is proud…

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Skateboard e monopattini in Campus - Sicurezza

Skateboard e monopattini in Campus - Sicurezza 2560 1440 School Office PYP

As the campus gets bigger and bigger, we encourage students to bring their own skateboards or scooters to…

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Allergie alimentari e pasti speciali

Allergie alimentari e pasti speciali 2000 1333 School Office

Please complete this form (english version – italian version) by tomorrow, September  1st, if you have not yet…

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Servizio scuolabus - Linee aggiornate

Servizio scuolabus - Linee aggiornate 2000 1333 School Office

There are only a few seats available on our school buses, so please register for the school bus…

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Menù pranzi - Settembre

Menù pranzi - Settembre 2000 1333 School Office

The September menu is available at this link. 

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Un messaggio dall’Head of School

Un messaggio dall’Head of School 2000 1333 School Office

Dear Parents, I would like to wish you and your children a wonderful summer break and to share…

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Orientamento & Careers Guidance

Orientamento & Careers Guidance 2000 1333 School Office

H-Farm Summer School  H-Farm Summer School 2023 offering is ready and you can choose from a wide variety…

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Progetti CAS & Service as Action

Progetti CAS & Service as Action 2000 1333 School Office

🙏 In partnership with Fondazione Città di Roncade, our school is most pleased to celebrate the volunteering opportunity…

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PROMEMORIA: Richiesta di feedback - Sondaggio sulla vita scolastica

PROMEMORIA: Richiesta di feedback - Sondaggio sulla vita scolastica 2000 1500 School Office PYP

Dear Families, We hope you and your family are doing well. As the academic year draws to a…

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Yearbook 2022/23: ultime copie disponibili!

Yearbook 2022/23: ultime copie disponibili! 2560 2560 School Office PYP

The 2022-2023 School Yearbook has been distributed to MYP/DP students in the past few days, and to PYP…

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PROMEMORIA: Ultimo giorno di scuola, 23 giugno - mezza giornata e bus

PROMEMORIA: Ultimo giorno di scuola, 23 giugno - mezza giornata e bus 2000 1288 School Office PYP

We would like to remind you that the last school day, Friday 23rd June, lessons will finish at…

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Graduation Day DP 2 - Registrazione

Graduation Day DP 2 - Registrazione 2000 1334 School Office MYP & DP

Dear Parents, We are excited to share the full recording of the Graduation Ceremony for the outstanding class…

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PROMEMORIA: Richiesta di feedback - Sondaggio sulla vita scolastica

PROMEMORIA: Richiesta di feedback - Sondaggio sulla vita scolastica 2000 1500 School Office PYP

Dear Families, We hope you and your family are doing well. As the academic year draws to a…

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Orientamento & Careers Guidance

Orientamento & Careers Guidance 2000 1333 School Office

DP 1 students Long List submission Dear DP 1 families, please note that all students have been asked…

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Progetti CAS & Service as Action

Progetti CAS & Service as Action 2000 1333 School Office

🎗️ Show your engagement towards World Oceans Day celebrated today, 8th June, by actively participating in the Adopt…

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Offerta attività dopo scuola 23/24

Offerta attività dopo scuola 23/24 2000 1333 School Office PYP

We will send a specific message to all parents regarding the full After School Offer for the 23/24…

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