Progetti CAS & Service as Action

Progetti CAS & Service as Action 2000 1333 School Office MYP & DP

For their CAS (Creativity, Activity, Service) programme and in particular for the Service strand, DP students have been…

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PTA info & prossimi eventi

PTA info & prossimi eventi 1536 2048 School Office PYP

Vi invitiamo a leggere questo poster del nostro PTA con informazioni sulla loro mission e sui prossimi eventi scolastici!

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Conferenze genitori / studenti / mentors

Conferenze genitori / studenti / mentors 2560 1709 School Office MYP & DP

Dear parents, On Friday, 11th November 2022, we will publish the first academic progress reports through ManageBac. You…

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Torneo VISSTA & H-Cup

Torneo VISSTA & H-Cup 909 682 School Office MYP & DP

On 27th October 2022, our MYP 1-3 sports teams participated in the annual VISSTA tournament in Padova. It…

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16-18 nov: Orientamento & Careers Guidance

16-18 nov: Orientamento & Careers Guidance 2000 1333 School Office MYP & DP

Dear MYP and DP families, the Careers Guidance Department is pleased to feature these events in the coming…

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Raccolta fondi - Service as Action

Raccolta fondi - Service as Action 2342 1698 School Office MYP & DP

Dear parents, We would like to kindly ask you to support a charitable initiative of some of our…

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Eventi autunnali a H-IS Venezia

Eventi autunnali a H-IS Venezia 2000 1333 Matteo Nardin

Dear Parents, So much is happening. At the risk of leaving out dozens of exciting events, I am…

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9 nov: Orientamento & Careers Guidance

9 nov: Orientamento & Careers Guidance 2000 1333 Matteo Nardin

Dear MYP and DP families, the Careers Guidance Department is pleased to feature the following event coming up…

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Parents / Students / Mentor Conferences

Parents / Students / Mentor Conferences 2560 1707 Matteo Nardin

We will publish the first academic progress reports through ManageBac on 11th November 2022. You will receive an email…

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Vacanze scolastiche

Vacanze scolastiche 2000 1500 School Office PYP

Dear Parents, We would like to wish you and your families a wonderful holiday. Our school will be…

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Messaggio da Mr de Wilde, Head of School

Messaggio da Mr de Wilde, Head of School 2000 1333 School Office PYP

Dear Parents, I hope that your families are staying healthy as we move into slightly cooler weather and…

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Orari di ricevimento insegnanti MYP & DP

Orari di ricevimento insegnanti MYP & DP 2000 1333 Matteo Nardin

Dear parents, please consult this list of teachers office hours during which you can make appointments to discuss…

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PTA - promemoria contatti e website

PTA - promemoria contatti e website 2048 1536 School Office PYP

The website for our PTA https://en.h-is-pta.com/ has information, contact and donation details. You can also contact the PTA…

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Vacanze scolastiche 28.10 - 4.11

Vacanze scolastiche 28.10 - 4.11 2000 1288 School Office PYP

Our school will be closed from October 28th (Friday) through November 4th. Students return to school on November…

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Menù pranzi - novembre 2022

Menù pranzi - novembre 2022 2000 1333 School Office PYP

Il menù di novembre è disponibile a questo link.

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Orari di ricevimento insegnanti MYP & DP

Orari di ricevimento insegnanti MYP & DP 2560 1709 Matteo Nardin

Dear parents, please consult this list of teachers office hours during which you can make appointments to discuss…

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14-30 ott: Orientamento & Careers Guidance

14-30 ott: Orientamento & Careers Guidance 2000 1333 Matteo Nardin

Dear MYP and DP families, the Careers Guidance Department is pleased to feature the following events coming up…

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Healthy Body and Beautiful Mind

Healthy Body and Beautiful Mind 2000 1333 School Office PYP

Healthy Body and Beautiful Mind – Tuesday, October 18th – 18:00-19:30 (in person event)Save the date! On Tuesday…

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Mathematics Revision Booster - DP 2

Mathematics Revision Booster - DP 2 2560 1709 Matteo Nardin

We would like to bring to your attention a great opportunity for DP 2 students to reinforce their…

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Elezioni dei rappresentanti di classe - MYP & DP

Elezioni dei rappresentanti di classe - MYP & DP 2560 1707 Matteo Nardin

Thank you very much to all of you who volunteered to act as class reps. I really look…

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