PROMEMORIA: 7-14 aprile, vacanze di Pasqua

PROMEMORIA: 7-14 aprile, vacanze di Pasqua 946 1106 School Office PYP

We remind you that the school will be closed between April 7-14th, as indicated on the school calendar.…

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PROMEMORIA: Workshop sulle dipendenze

PROMEMORIA: Workshop sulle dipendenze 2560 1706 School Office

On March 29th from 13:30 to 15:00, the school will hold an online workshop for all parents, titled…

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MYP Final Assessments – Giugno 2023

MYP Final Assessments – Giugno 2023 2560 1708 School Office MYP & DP

Dear Parents and Students, Learning something means that we are effectively storing knowledge and competences in our long…

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Med Cup Basket & beach volley 19-21 maggio 2023

Med Cup Basket & beach volley 19-21 maggio 2023 1332 2000 School Office MYP & DP

In May, the Med Cup Sports Tournament for Basketball & Beach Volleyball will take place in Caorle. The…

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Progetti e iniziative CAS/SA

Progetti e iniziative CAS/SA 2000 1333 School Office

🙏 Celebrating the project Digital literacy workshop for senior citizens of Roncade/ Smartphone, Istruzioni per l’uso, in collaboration…

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7-14 aprile, vacanze di Pasqua

7-14 aprile, vacanze di Pasqua 946 1106 School Office PYP

We remind you that the school will be closed between April 7-14th, as indicated on the school calendar.…

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Spring Swap Market - sabato 13 maggio

Spring Swap Market - sabato 13 maggio 1002 942 Farmer

Has your child outgrown their skiing gear?Has your teenage child worn that beautiful shirt only once and now…

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Incontro sulle dipendenze - mercoledì, 29 marzo

Incontro sulle dipendenze - mercoledì, 29 marzo 2560 1706 School Office

Dear Families, on the 29th of March, from 13:30 to 15:00, the school will hold an online workshop…

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Progetti e iniziative CAS/SA

Progetti e iniziative CAS/SA 2000 1333 School Office MYP & DP

🙏 We are most pleased to formalize the new Business & Coding Club, happening on Mondays, 13:30-14:00 in…

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Messaggio importante sulla viabilità

Messaggio importante sulla viabilità 1204 1296 School Office PYP

Dear Families,  We would like to remind you that to enter and exit the Campus car parking, you…

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Messaggio importante sulla viabilità

Messaggio importante sulla viabilità 1204 1296 School Office MYP & DP

Dear Families,  We would like to remind you that to enter and exit the Campus car parking, you…

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Foto Yearbook 14 Marzo - Studenti DP2 e assenti

Foto Yearbook 14 Marzo - Studenti DP2 e assenti 2652 1310 School Office MYP & DP

Please be informed that on Tuesday, 14th March, we will take group class and individual photos of our…

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Sessione di supporto per ManageBac

Sessione di supporto per ManageBac 692 413 School Office MYP & DP

Parent involvement on the ManageBac Portal is essential for monitoring student progress and advising the School Office and…

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Corso di preparazione per Cambridge English Exam per MYP 1-2-3

Corso di preparazione per Cambridge English Exam per MYP 1-2-3 2560 1440 School Office MYP & DP

Dear Families, We would like to remind you that we are organising a Cambridge English exam preparation course…

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Progetti e iniziative CAS/SA

Progetti e iniziative CAS/SA 2000 1333 School Office

🙏 We are most pleased to formalize the new Business & Coding Club, happening on Mondays, 13:30-14:00 in…

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Let’s Spark a Conversation

Let’s Spark a Conversation 2000 1333 School Office PYP

Dear families, We, at H-Farm International School, are looking for better ways to share knowledge and experience to…

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H-Cup Sports Tournament

H-Cup Sports Tournament 2000 1333 School Office MYP & DP

We look forward to the upcoming H-Cup Tournament on Tuesday, 21st March from 9:00 to 15:00. On this…

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Progetti e iniziative CAS/SA

Progetti e iniziative CAS/SA 2000 1333 School Office

🙏 We are most pleased to formalize the new Business & Coding Club, happening on Mondays, 13:30-14:00 in…

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Menù Pranzi - marzo 2023

Menù Pranzi - marzo 2023 2000 1333 School Office PYP

Il menù di marzo è disponibile a questo link.

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PYP Exhibition - ricerca di esperti

PYP Exhibition - ricerca di esperti 1888 932 School Office PYP

Are you an expert or do you know any experts connected to the ideas in the UN Sustainable…

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