Un messaggio dall’Head of School

Un messaggio dall’Head of School 2560 1920 School Office MYP & DP

Dear Parents, The holiday season is upon us and we hope that you and your loved ones remain…

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Manca solo un giorno alla PTA Winter Fair!

Manca solo un giorno alla PTA Winter Fair! 1010 729 School Office MYP & DP

🎄There is only one day left until our amazing Winter Fair organised by the PTA! Please remember to…

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Progetti CAS & Service as Action

Progetti CAS & Service as Action 2000 1333 School Office MYP & DP

🙏 A big shout out to our DP1 students for their engagement in our community. They are directly…

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Un messaggio dall’Head of School

Un messaggio dall’Head of School 2560 1920 Matteo Nardin

Dear Parents, The holiday season is upon us and we hope that you and your loved ones remain…

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PTA Winter Fair

PTA Winter Fair 1010 729 School Office MYP & DP

Dear parents, we are happy to invite you to join us for the Winter Fair organised by the…

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Progetti CAS & Service as Action

Progetti CAS & Service as Action 2000 1333 School Office MYP & DP

🧑‍🎄 In preparation for Christmas, our student community has launched a few projects: Operation Christmas Boxes / Progetto…

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NUOVE attività dopo scuola (Club insegnanti, Arts&Culture) in partenza da lunedì 12 dicembre

NUOVE attività dopo scuola (Club insegnanti, Arts&Culture) in partenza da lunedì 12 dicembre 798 681 School Office PYP

PYP Teachers Clubs: all requests received are confirmed except for International Dance Club. We have already reached out…

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PTA Winter Fair

PTA Winter Fair 1010 729 School Office MYP & DP

Dear parents, we are happy to invite you to join us for the Winter Fair organised by the…

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Progetti e iniziative CAS/SA

Progetti e iniziative CAS/SA 2560 1707 School Office MYP & DP

🧑‍🎄 In preparation for Christmas, our student community has launched a few projects: Operation Christmas Boxes / Progetto…

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Iscrizioni 23/24

Iscrizioni 23/24 2000 1288 School Office PYP

Enrolments for our families are now open! Please use this link to access the enrolment platform. After selecting…

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Attività dopo scuola (Sport, Club insegnanti, Arts&Culture) - secondo e terzo trimestre

Attività dopo scuola (Sport, Club insegnanti, Arts&Culture) - secondo e terzo trimestre 798 681 School Office PYP

The complete offering of the after school activities (both second and third trimester) is available at this link.…

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Vacanze scolastiche - 8-9 dicembre e 22 dicembre-8 gennaio

Vacanze scolastiche - 8-9 dicembre e 22 dicembre-8 gennaio 1709 2560 School Office PYP

On Thursday and Friday, December 8-9, the school will be closed for a national holiday. December 21 is…

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Progetti e iniziative CAS/SA

Progetti e iniziative CAS/SA 2000 1333 School Office MYP & DP

Under their CAS (Creativity, Activity, Service) programme and in an effort to help the student community improve their…

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Menù pranzi - dicembre 2022

Menù pranzi - dicembre 2022 2000 1333 School Office PYP

Il menù di dicembre è disponibile a questo link.

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Sessione di supporto per ManageBac

Sessione di supporto per ManageBac 692 413 School Office MYP & DP

🎥  If you wish to understand ManageBac better, please click on this link (password: Jya3XR9p) to see the…

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Attività dopo scuola (Sport, Club insegnanti, Arts&Culture) - secondo e terzo trimestre

Attività dopo scuola (Sport, Club insegnanti, Arts&Culture) - secondo e terzo trimestre 798 681 School Office PYP

The complete offer of the after school activities (both second and third trimester) will be emailed to you…

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Piattaforma scolastica

Piattaforma scolastica 2560 1921 School Office PYP

Please be informed that the school platform will be offline on Monday 21 and Tuesday 22 November for…

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