Ultimo giorno di scuola (mezza giornata), 21 giugno - e orari bus

Ultimo giorno di scuola (mezza giornata), 21 giugno - e orari bus 3350 1882 School Office PYP

We would like to remind you that the last school day, Friday 21st June, lessons will finish at…

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Promemoria: Sondaggio sulla vita scolastica

Promemoria: Sondaggio sulla vita scolastica 2000 1500 School Office

Dear parents,  Please take a moment to fill out the School Life survey at this link.  We would…

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Festa di fine scuola il 20 giugno

Festa di fine scuola il 20 giugno 2000 1125 School Office

Please save the date for the PTA end-of-school party on Thursday, June 20th from 15:15! Itā€™s the perfect…

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Yearbook 23-24: consegna

Yearbook 23-24: consegna 1920 1080 School Office PYP

The Yearbooks will be delivered starting from June 17th!For DP2 students ONLY: It will be possible to pick…

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Progetto Eco-Schools - Bandiera Verde!

Progetto Eco-Schools - Bandiera Verde! 2560 1707 Matteo Nardin

ā€œIt is with immense pleasure that I announce we have successfully passed the Eco-Schools certification and have officially…

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Circle by Circle ā€“ Advancing MedCare & MedTech

Circle by Circle ā€“ Advancing MedCare & MedTech 730 322 School Office MYP & DP

šŸ“… Wednesday, June 26 ā° 5:00 PM šŸ“BigHall, H-FARM Campus An event dedicated to innovations in medicine, prevention,…

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Un messaggio da Mr de Wilde e Sondaggio sulla vita scolastica

Un messaggio da Mr de Wilde e Sondaggio sulla vita scolastica 912 846 School Office PYP

Dear Parents, Last week our PYP 5 students hosted a wonderful Exhibition. They were passionate, articulate and knowledgeable…

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MenĆ¹ pranzi - giugno

MenĆ¹ pranzi - giugno 2000 1333 School Office PYP

Il menĆ¹ di giugno ĆØ disponibile a questo link.

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Riciclo di jeans con RifĆ²

Riciclo di jeans con RifĆ² 596 397 School Office

Help us make a positive environmental impact by bringing your used jeans to our collection totem in the…

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Iniziativa MYP4 STEM+

Iniziativa MYP4 STEM+ 619 461 School Office MYP & DP

In the heart of M4’s STEM+ class, seven students emerged as champions of innovation and sustainability. Giada, Marghertita,…

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Orientamento e carriera universitaria

Orientamento e carriera universitaria 1707 2560 School Office

We are pleased to announce the following Guidance events for M4 – DP1 students and families: MYP4-DP1: Database…

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MYP/DP Gestione del tempo e dello stress - Registrazione del webinar

MYP/DP Gestione del tempo e dello stress - Registrazione del webinar 1652 530 School Office MYP & DP

Dear families,  Our student support team held a webinar about time management and stress regulation for MYP and…

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CLUB Audi - L'IA per l'economia circolare

CLUB Audi - L'IA per l'economia circolare 2678 1220 School Office MYP & DP

šŸ“… Wednesday, May 29 ā° 6:15 PM šŸ“ La Serra, H-FARM Campus An appointment to talk about how…

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Yearbook 23/24

Yearbook 23/24 1920 1080 School Office PYP

Dear Parents, We are excited to announce that the New School Yearbook 2023-2024 is coming soon! The school…

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Cani in Campus - sicurezza

Cani in Campus - sicurezza 2560 1440 School Office PYP

As we continue to support our community’s safety and well-being, we kindly remind all pet owners to ensure…

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MYP Assessment di fine anno

MYP Assessment di fine anno 2560 1708 School Office MYP & DP

The End of Year Assessments for M1-M5 will begin towards the end of May. M1-2 begin their End…

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DP1: Materiale per le sessioni di orientamento per i genitori e idee su come trascorrere l'estate

DP1: Materiale per le sessioni di orientamento per i genitori e idee su come trascorrere l'estate 1145 568 School Office MYP & DP

Dear Parents community, we thank you for partaking in the 5 Guidance sessions and for your interest in…

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Orientamento e carriera universitaria

Orientamento e carriera universitaria 1707 2560 School Office MYP & DP

We are pleased to announce the following Guidance events for M4 – DP1 students and families: MYP4-DP1: Presentation…

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Programma di referral potenziato

Programma di referral potenziato 9672 7008 School Office PYP

Dear Parents, We are writing to inform you of a unique opportunity reserved for families in the H-FARM…

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Gestione del tempo e dello stress - MYP/DP Webinar online con la School CounselorĀ 

Gestione del tempo e dello stress - MYP/DP Webinar online con la School CounselorĀ  1406 1410 School Office MYP & DP

Dear Parents, we would like to inform you that on 17th May 2024 at 1PM Ms Fiammetta Gioia…

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