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H-Assessment - Esame di Terza Media

H-Assessment - Esame di Terza Media 2560 1707 School Office MYP & DP

Thank you for your responses regarding the selection concerning H-Assessment and Terza Media. From next week the H-Assessment…

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Genitori a pranzo in mensa

Genitori a pranzo in mensa 2000 1333 School Office MYP & DP

Dear Parents,  Lunch in the canteen is an important part of the school day that our students enjoy…

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Divisa scolastica e abbigliamento invernale

Divisa scolastica e abbigliamento invernale 833 378 School Office MYP & DP

We understand that situations arise and at times it may be difficult for your children to come to…

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Orientamento e carriera universitaria

Orientamento e carriera universitaria 1707 2560 School Office

DP1 – DP2: Central Saint Martins, UAL Presentation & Workshop – Friday, 17th November, P6: 12:50 am –…

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Orientamento e carriera universitaria

Orientamento e carriera universitaria 1707 2560 School Office

MYP5 – DP2: THUAS (The Hague University of Applied Sciences) Presentation – Wednesday, 11th October, 1:30 -2:15 pm,…

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Borracce a scuola

Borracce a scuola 529 526 School Office MYP & DP

We encourage our students to stay hydrated throughout the day. With hygiene in mind we ask students not…

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Vacanze - Scuola chiusa dal 30.10 al 6.11

Vacanze - Scuola chiusa dal 30.10 al 6.11 2560 1708 School Office PYP

We remind parents that the school will be closed from October 30th-November 6th, as per the previously shared…

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Un messaggio da Mr de Wilde

Un messaggio da Mr de Wilde 2560 1440 School Office PYP

Dear Parents, I would like to thank Francesca Comelli for her leadership of the PTA these last 2…

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Día de los Muertos: una celebrazione per PYP3-4 con MYP2

Día de los Muertos: una celebrazione per PYP3-4 con MYP2 2560 1707 School Office PYP

We are happy to announce the bond between MYP2 students and the PYP3/PYP4 students. Students in MYP2 Spanish…

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Potenziamento della matematica

Potenziamento della matematica 1754 1239 Farmer

We are excited to introduce our Mathematics Enrichment Classes, designed to provide targeted learning for all maths students.…

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Rappresentanti di classe / Scuola-Ecologica

Rappresentanti di classe / Scuola-Ecologica 1024 620 School Office PYP

Our elected student class representatives have been working with Mr Pitarresi regarding an exciting global project. The Eco-school…

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Salute mentale - Spazio per la respirazione

Salute mentale - Spazio per la respirazione 2000 1333 School Office PYP

This week our wellbeing team started the new “breathing space” activity from the “mental health month” plan, with…

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Rappresentanti di classe dei genitori (M4 / M5)

Rappresentanti di classe dei genitori (M4 / M5) 2560 1679 School Office PYP

The Parent Class Representative for M4-M5 met last week, and we would like to thank all the parents…

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Orari di ricevimento insegnanti

Orari di ricevimento insegnanti 2560 1707 School Office MYP & DP

Dear parents,  please consult this list of teachers’ office hours during which you can make appointments to discuss…

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MYP3 Terza Media/H-Assessment

MYP3 Terza Media/H-Assessment 2560 1709 School Office MYP & DP

MYP3 Parents are reminded that a decision regarding Terza Media/H-Assessment participation is required by tomorrow October 6th. Please…

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Richiesta rappresentanti di classe per MYP1-2-3

Richiesta rappresentanti di classe per MYP1-2-3 2000 1483 School Office MYP & DP

Dear parents, We still require two class representatives for each of the following classes: MYP1B Dragons and MYP1C…

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Raccolta fondi MYP1-3

Raccolta fondi MYP1-3 1220 1058 School Office MYP & DP

Our MYP3 House captains have been hard at work running a fundraising campaign for the disasters that have…

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Prossimi relatori Ignition Lab

Prossimi relatori Ignition Lab 2000 1333 School Office MYP & DP

Parents are welcome to attend the following Ignition Lab event! Talk on Entrepreneurship (MYP4 & DP1) 📆 Tuesday,…

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Orientamento e carriera universitaria

Orientamento e carriera universitaria 1707 2560 School Office MYP & DP

MYP5 – DP2: THUAS (The Hague University of Applied Sciences) Presentation – Wednesday, 11th October, 1:30 -2:15 pm,…

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Nuova feature dell'app H-ello: notifiche

Nuova feature dell'app H-ello: notifiche 2560 1707 School Office PYP

An update has been released which enables the notifications in our H-ello school app. Starting next week, when…

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