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Servizio bus scolastico

Servizio bus scolastico 2000 1333 School Office

Dear Families, Please note that there are only a few seats remaining on certain school bus lines, and…

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MYP Liste libri di testo 

MYP Liste libri di testo  2560 1702 School Office MYP & DP

At the following links you will find the lists of books for some subjects for MYP students for…

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Consulenza Universitaria e orientamento professionale

Consulenza Universitaria e orientamento professionale 1707 2560 School Office

This article provides essential insights and resources to assist students in their pursuit of University education. Please note…

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Offerta After School - registrazioni aperte!

Offerta After School - registrazioni aperte! 2560 1502 School Office PYP

The registration form is now open! We remind you that the full offer – including sport activities, teachers…

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Servizio bus scolastico - registrazioni aperte!

Servizio bus scolastico - registrazioni aperte! 2000 1333 School Office PYP

Register for the 2024/25 school bus service at this link. Spaces are limited, so apply by the deadline…

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Allergie alimentari e pasti speciali

Allergie alimentari e pasti speciali 2000 1333 School Office PYP

Please complete this form no later than August 16th if your child has food allergies/intolerances and/or an ethical/religious…

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New Students Day (lunedì 2 settembre) - per NUOVE famiglie

New Students Day (lunedì 2 settembre) - per NUOVE famiglie 2000 1333 School Office PYP

New students and their parents will take part in an orientation morning on Monday, 2nd September, 8:45-12:30. The…

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Calendario scolastico a.s. 2024/2025

Calendario scolastico a.s. 2024/2025 2560 1708 School Office PYP

The 2024-2025 School Year calendar is always available here. We remind you that school will start for all…

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Autorizzazione alla somministrazione di farmaci 

Autorizzazione alla somministrazione di farmaci  2000 1288 School Office MYP & DP

Dear parents, we kindly ask you to fill in this form to authorise the administration of over-the-counter medicines…

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Lista materiali scolastici e libri di testo MYP  

Lista materiali scolastici e libri di testo MYP   2560 1707 School Office MYP & DP

At the following links you will find the equipment lists for MYP students for the 2024-25 school year. …

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MYP App e abbonamenti

MYP App e abbonamenti 2560 1707 Farmer

The school will purchase a series of Apps and online subscriptions (such as a subscription to Education Perfect)…

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Armadietti 2000 1333 School Office MYP & DP

All MYP students will be allocated a locker for storing books and school materials; lockers can be locked…

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Boarding Welcome Day – solo per NUOVI studenti boarding

Boarding Welcome Day – solo per NUOVI studenti boarding 2560 1707 School Office MYP & DP

In order to allow students who will be using the Boarding service and their families to get to…

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Chiusura estiva di Segreteria e Amministrazione

Chiusura estiva di Segreteria e Amministrazione 2560 1707 School Office PYP

La segreteria e l’ufficio amministrazione saranno chiusi dal 12 al 16 agosto compresi.

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MYP 4 Bootcamp

MYP 4 Bootcamp 2560 1707 School Office MYP & DP

From team-building adventures to exciting leadership activities, to help our MYP4 students get in the right mindset and…

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Un messaggio da Mr de Wilde

Un messaggio da Mr de Wilde 1223 949 Matteo Nardin

Dear Parents, Thank you for supporting your children and the school through another exciting year. It is our…

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DOMANI ultimo giorno di scuola (mezza giornata), 21 giugno - e orari bus

DOMANI ultimo giorno di scuola (mezza giornata), 21 giugno - e orari bus 3350 1882 School Office PYP

We would like to remind you that the last school day, tomorrow Friday 21st June, lessons will finish…

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Yearbook 23-24: consegna

Yearbook 23-24: consegna 1920 1080 School Office PYP

The Yearbooks have been delivered to the students! Haven’t purchased your copy yet? You can still do it!…

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Informazioni after school and scuolabus per l'anno 24-25

Informazioni after school and scuolabus per l'anno 24-25 2560 1708 School Office

Next week we will share the new After School and Bus offer for the next school year. We…

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Richiesta di svuotare aule e armadietti MYP/DP

Richiesta di svuotare aule e armadietti MYP/DP 2560 1707 School Office MYP & DP

Dear Parents, As the school year draws to a close, we kindly remind you to ensure your children…

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