GRAZIE DI CUORE dal Team PYP! 2560 1920 School Office PYP

Teacher Appreciation Week has become something very special here at our school. All staff members (not just teachers)…

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Prossime date PYP (aggiornato settimanalmente)

Prossime date PYP (aggiornato settimanalmente) 1024 768 School Office PYP

Please note: the school calendar, which includes all upcoming dates, is always available at this link that is…

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PROMEMORIA: PYP Book Fair/Sale - DOMANI venerdì 5 maggio

PROMEMORIA: PYP Book Fair/Sale - DOMANI venerdì 5 maggio 784 661 School Office PYP

On Friday, May 5th we will host a wonderful English Book Fair/Sale in the Atelier all day. This…

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Scegliere un'istruzione IB: un'analisi costi/benefici - 3 maggio

Scegliere un'istruzione IB: un'analisi costi/benefici - 3 maggio 2560 1707 School Office MYP & DP

Dear Parents, In an effort to respond to your requests for more information on what it means to…

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La canzone di un nostro studente si aggiudica il premio internazionale di scrittura "Such Innocence"

La canzone di un nostro studente si aggiudica il premio internazionale di scrittura "Such Innocence" 1195 617 School Office MYP & DP

MYP 3 student Valentino Torre has won second prize in an international writing competition for a self-composed song…

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Menu pranzi - maggio 2023

Menu pranzi - maggio 2023 2000 1333 School Office PYP

Il menù di maggio è disponibile a questo link.

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Vacanze scolastiche - 1 maggio

Vacanze scolastiche - 1 maggio 2560 1708 School Office PYP

Vi ricordiamo che, come indicato nel calendario scolastico, la scuola rimarrà chiusa il 1 maggio.

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PROMEMORIA: H-CARE Webinar (online) per genitori

PROMEMORIA: H-CARE Webinar (online) per genitori 2142 1304 School Office PYP

We are happy to share 3 Webinars organized by H-FARM International School Vicenza with Reach Aut. These workshops…

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Prossime date PYP (aggiornato settimanalmente)

Prossime date PYP (aggiornato settimanalmente) 2048 1536 School Office PYP

Please note: the school calendar, which includes all upcoming dates, is always available at this link that is…

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PROMEMORIA: PYP Book Fair/Sale - 5 maggio

PROMEMORIA: PYP Book Fair/Sale - 5 maggio 784 661 School Office PYP

On Friday, May 5th we will host a wonderful English Book Fair/Sale in the Atelier all day. This…

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Annuncio: nuovo edificio DP

Annuncio: nuovo edificio DP 1920 1080 School Office MYP & DP

Dear Parents, We are delighted to announce that we will be adding a new building to the school.…

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ONE srl: il nostro nuovo partner amministrativo

ONE srl: il nostro nuovo partner amministrativo 5443 3063 School Office MYP & DP

Dear families, In order to improve the administration service, H-FARM International School has signed a partnership with ONE…

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Supervisione dei bambini in campus dopo la scuola

Supervisione dei bambini in campus dopo la scuola 2000 1125 School Office PYP

A kind reminder to all parents to ensure you supervise your children if you spend time on campus…

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Vacanze scolastiche - 24-25 aprile, 1 maggio

Vacanze scolastiche - 24-25 aprile, 1 maggio 2560 1708 School Office PYP

We remind you that, as per the school calendar, the school will be closed on April 24 and…

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H-CARE Webinar (online) per genitori

H-CARE Webinar (online) per genitori 2142 1304 School Office PYP

We are happy to share 3 Webinars organized by H-FARM International School Vicenza with Reach Aut. These workshops…

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Let’s Spark a Conversation!

Let’s Spark a Conversation! 2160 1080 School Office PYP

Dear families, After the success of our last community event, we want to invite you to the next…

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PYP Book Fair/Sale - 5 maggio

PYP Book Fair/Sale - 5 maggio 784 661 School Office PYP

On Friday, May 5th we will host a wonderful English Book Fair/Sale in the Atelier all day. This…

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Orario ricevimento insegnanti PYP

Orario ricevimento insegnanti PYP 2000 1271 School Office PYP

Reminder: All PYP teachers are available during their office hours to speak with parents. Please use this link…

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Reception Rockets - XIII Biennale del Bambino

Reception Rockets - XIII Biennale del Bambino 2560 1707 School Office PYP

Our Reception Rockets teachers and students are pleased to invite you to view their collaborative art masterpiece at…

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Spring Swap Market - sabato 13 maggio - RACCOLTA FONDI per le vittime del terremoto in Turchia

Spring Swap Market - sabato 13 maggio - RACCOLTA FONDI per le vittime del terremoto in Turchia 1002 942 School Office PYP

Has your child outgrown their skiing gear?Has your teenage child worn that beautiful shirt only once and now…

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