PROMEMORIA: Yearbook 2022/23

PROMEMORIA: Yearbook 2022/23 2560 2560 School Office PYP

Dear Parents, The school year is coming to an end, and what better way to remember all the…

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PROMEMORIA: Student Led Conferences PYP - lunedì 19 giugno

PROMEMORIA: Student Led Conferences PYP - lunedì 19 giugno 2000 1271 School Office PYP

Student Led Conferences provide another way for parents to learn more about their child and their learning at…

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PROMEMORIA: “Figli e frustrazione: loro e nostra” workshop per genitori con Rocio Ortega, educatrice PRH

PROMEMORIA: “Figli e frustrazione: loro e nostra” workshop per genitori con Rocio Ortega, educatrice PRH 2560 1707 School Office PYP

We invite all PYP parents to attend this special in person session with Rocio Ortega on Tuesday June…

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Promo MacBook per genitori&studenti

Promo MacBook per genitori&studenti 2000 1333 School Office PYP

Dear parents, We are delighted to share with you a very exciting opportunity as MMN partners. We have…

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Save the date: 22 giugno - festa di fine anno scolastico

Save the date: 22 giugno - festa di fine anno scolastico 2000 1125 School Office

On Thursday, June 22nd, parents and students are invited to join the end-of-year festivities outside, where the school…

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Menù di giugno - possibili variazioni

Menù di giugno - possibili variazioni 2000 1333 School Office

Please note that the June menu may change slightly due to the difficulty in obtaining certain ingredients caused…

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Ultimo giorno di scuola, 23 giugno - mezza giornata e bus

Ultimo giorno di scuola, 23 giugno - mezza giornata e bus 2000 1500 School Office PYP

We would like to remind you that the last school day, Friday 23rd June, lessons will finish at…

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Un affettuoso saluto alla nostra Incredibile Beccie Goswell

Un affettuoso saluto alla nostra Incredibile Beccie Goswell 2000 1333 School Office PYP

Often in international schools, staff changes occur. At the end of this school year, the PYP section will…

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NO 15:30 Green Bus nel pomeriggio di lunedì 19 giugno

NO 15:30 Green Bus nel pomeriggio di lunedì 19 giugno 2000 1333 School Office PYP

Due to the PYP Student Led Conferences scheduled on Monday, June 19th, please note that the 3.30 Green…

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PROMEMORIA: Yearbook 2022/23

PROMEMORIA: Yearbook 2022/23 2560 2560 School Office PYP

Dear Parents, The school year is coming to an end, and what better way to remember all the…

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PROMEMORIA: Vacanze scolastiche - 2 giugno

PROMEMORIA: Vacanze scolastiche - 2 giugno 2560 1708 School Office PYP

We remind you that, as per the school calendar, the school will be closed on Friday, June 2nd…

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PROMEMORIA: Student Led Conferences PYP - lunedì 19 giugno

PROMEMORIA: Student Led Conferences PYP - lunedì 19 giugno 2000 1271 School Office PYP

Student Led Conferences provide another way for parents to learn more about their child and their learning at…

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PROMEMORIA: “Figli e frustrazione: loro e nostra” workshop per genitori con Rocio Ortega, educatrice PRH

PROMEMORIA: “Figli e frustrazione: loro e nostra” workshop per genitori con Rocio Ortega, educatrice PRH 2560 1707 School Office PYP

We invite all PYP parents to attend this special in person session with Rocio Ortega on Tuesday June…

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Prossime date PYP (aggiornato settimanalmente)

Prossime date PYP (aggiornato settimanalmente) 2560 1920 School Office PYP

Please note: the school calendar, which includes all upcoming dates, is always available at this link that is…

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Nel campus di H-FARM International School non si può fumare

Nel campus di H-FARM International School non si può fumare 2560 1920 School Office PYP

All areas around all school buildings, including the Welcome Center and the Library, are smoke free zones. This…

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Stress a scuola - Webinar con Ms Fiammetta Gioia

Stress a scuola - Webinar con Ms Fiammetta Gioia 2048 1369 School Office

Stress is a natural feeling, designed to help you cope in challenging situations. School related stress can be…

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Menù Pranzi - giugno 2023

Menù Pranzi - giugno 2023 2000 1333 School Office PYP

Il menù di giugno è disponibile a questo link.

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PROMEMORIA: Vacanze scolastiche - 2 giugno

PROMEMORIA: Vacanze scolastiche - 2 giugno 2560 1708 School Office PYP

We remind you that, as per the school calendar, the school will be closed on Friday, June 2nd…

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PROMEMORIA: Yearbook 2022/23

PROMEMORIA: Yearbook 2022/23 2560 2560 School Office PYP

Dear Parents, The school year is coming to an end, and what better way to remember all the…

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PROMEMORIA: Open Day After School 2023/24 - sabato 27 maggio, 9:30

PROMEMORIA: Open Day After School 2023/24 - sabato 27 maggio, 9:30 1257 709 School Office PYP

The school year is about to end and we are ready to present to you all the projects…

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