Earth Day Festival - lunedì 22 aprile

Earth Day Festival - lunedì 22 aprile 2928 1592 School Office PYP

We look forward to welcoming all our parents and some students from our Vicenza and Rosà campuses to…

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Vacanze - scuola chiusa 25-26.04 & 1.05

Vacanze - scuola chiusa 25-26.04 & 1.05 2560 1708 School Office PYP

We remind parents that the school will be closed April 25-26 and May 1st, as per the previously…

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Menù pranzi - maggio

Menù pranzi - maggio 2000 1333 Farmer

Il menù di maggio è disponibile a questo link.

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Malattie infettive - Comunicazioni genitori-scuola

Malattie infettive - Comunicazioni genitori-scuola 2560 1440 School Office PYP

We need your cooperation to ensure a safe and healthy school environment for our students and staff. Ensuring…

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ANNULLATO: Workshop per genitori PYP su International Mindedness

ANNULLATO: Workshop per genitori PYP su International Mindedness 2560 1920 School Office PYP

Due to overscheduling and the need to focus on our students during this busy time, the parent workshop…

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Un messaggio da Mr De Wilde

Un messaggio da Mr De Wilde 912 846 School Office

Dear Parents, Experiential learning is an important part of what we do at H-FARM International School. Trips and…

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Un Appello per l'Inserimento dell'Educazione Alimentare nelle Scuole: La Tavola come Luogo di Consapevolezza e Cambiamento

Un Appello per l'Inserimento dell'Educazione Alimentare nelle Scuole: La Tavola come Luogo di Consapevolezza e Cambiamento 1702 1134 School Office

In our society, daily food choices are not simple acts but become powerful tools for change. As a…

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Un appello agli esperti per la Year 5 Exhibition

Un appello agli esperti per la Year 5 Exhibition 1552 802 School Office PYP

CALLING ALL EXPERTS FOR THE YEAR 5 EXHIBITION! Our Year 5 students have begun preparing for the PYP…

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Orto PYP

Orto PYP 2048 1536 School Office PYP

The PYP Garden is a unique space on the H-FARM campus. It is here where the PYP students…

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Un messaggio da Mr de Wilde

Un messaggio da Mr de Wilde 2560 1920 School Office

Dear Parents, Students, and Colleagues, This week some of us have lost someone close. Others have tried to…

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Menù pranzi - aprile

Menù pranzi - aprile 2000 1333 School Office PYP

Il menù di aprile è disponibile...

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PYP Student Led Conferences

PYP Student Led Conferences 2560 1920 School Office PYP

As always, it was amazing to see our students leading conversations about their learning with their parents during…

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Uscita pomeridiana in PYP - 15:15 o 16:15

Uscita pomeridiana in PYP - 15:15 o 16:15 2560 1707 School Office PYP

To facilitate our supervision of students after school, we remind parents that students can be collected at 15:15…

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H-FARM International School si unisce al Council of International Schools

H-FARM International School si unisce al Council of International Schools 788 350 School Office PYP

Dear Parents,The Council of International Schools promotes high quality teaching and learning, child protection and ethical leadership in…

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Foto Yearbook - studenti assenti + foto di gruppo

Foto Yearbook - studenti assenti + foto di gruppo 2560 1707 School Office PYP

Please be informed that in the following dates we will take the individual photos of the students who…

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Fissare limiti - Dire di no è necessario nella genitorialità, con Fiammetta Gioia (presentazione del workshop)

Fissare limiti - Dire di no è necessario nella genitorialità, con Fiammetta Gioia (presentazione del workshop) 1226 692 School Office PYP

Many thanks to the parents who attended our parent workshop this morning. The presentation slides can be found…

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Palestra in Campus - info per genitori

Palestra in Campus - info per genitori 2560 1920 School Office PYP

An opportunity for all parents: the gym management has changed and we have designed a series of new…

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Cookies for Coral Reefs

Cookies for Coral Reefs 1993 1004 School Office PYP

Good morning, we are Mariavittoria Pamio and Jessica Chiara Faè, two MYP1B students.We are grateful to all the…

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Vacanze - scuola chiusa 29.03-05.04

Vacanze - scuola chiusa 29.03-05.04 2560 1708 School Office PYP

We remind parents that the school will be closed from March 29th (Friday) until April 5th included, as…

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Quando i vostri bambini sono malati...

Quando i vostri bambini sono malati... 2560 1707 School Office PYP

We have had a series of ongoing illnesses in the PYP section throughout the winter. We kindly remind…

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