PYP = EYU + Elementari

PYP = EYU + Elementari 2000 1271 School Office PYP

To avoid any and all future confusion and questions. When we use the term PYP students, here in…

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Prossime date PYP (aggiornato settimanalmente)

Prossime date PYP (aggiornato settimanalmente) 1920 1440 School Office PYP

Please note: the school calendar, which includes all upcoming dates, is always available at this link that is…

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PROMEMORIA: Giornata in Pigiama (Student Council) - giovedì 6 aprile

PROMEMORIA: Giornata in Pigiama (Student Council) - giovedì 6 aprile 1604 842 School Office PYP

On the last day of school before the Easter break, the Student Council will be hosting a special…

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Spring Swap Market - sabato 13 maggio

Spring Swap Market - sabato 13 maggio 1002 942 Farmer

Has your child outgrown their skiing gear?Has your teenage child worn that beautiful shirt only once and now…

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Incontro sulle dipendenze - mercoledì, 29 marzo

Incontro sulle dipendenze - mercoledì, 29 marzo 2560 1706 School Office

Dear Families, on the 29th of March, from 13:30 to 15:00, the school will hold an online workshop…

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Messaggio importante sulla viabilità

Messaggio importante sulla viabilità 1204 1296 School Office PYP

Dear Families,  We would like to remind you that to enter and exit the Campus car parking, you…

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Arrivo puntuale a scuola e alla fine della giornata scolastica

Arrivo puntuale a scuola e alla fine della giornata scolastica 2000 1333 School Office PYP

Morning Arrival: We kindly and strongly remind all PYP parents that students should arrive at school each morning…

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Robomed International Robotics Competition - 23-26 marzo - Lisbona

Robomed International Robotics Competition - 23-26 marzo - Lisbona 2560 1920 School Office PYP

The PYP teachers are proud to announce that we will have two teams representing our school at the…

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Professional Learning per insegnanti PYP

Professional Learning per insegnanti PYP 1920 2560 School Office PYP

Over the past several months, our teachers have participated in virtual and face to face professional learning opportunities.…

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Giornata in Pigiama PYP (Student Council) - giovedì 6 aprile

Giornata in Pigiama PYP (Student Council) - giovedì 6 aprile 1604 842 School Office PYP

On the last day of school before the Easter break, the Student Council will be hosting a special…

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Prossime date PYP (aggiornato settimanalmente)

Prossime date PYP (aggiornato settimanalmente) 2000 1333 School Office PYP

Please note: the school calendar, which includes all upcoming dates, is always available at this link that is…

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Messaggio importante sulla viabilità

Messaggio importante sulla viabilità 1204 1296 School Office MYP & DP

Dear Families,  We would like to remind you that to enter and exit the Campus car parking, you…

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Let’s Spark a Conversation

Let’s Spark a Conversation 2000 1333 School Office PYP

Dear families, We, at H-Farm International School, are looking for better ways to share knowledge and experience to…

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Ingresso giardino/edificio PYP

Ingresso giardino/edificio PYP 2000 1288 School Office PYP

We would like to remind families and ask that all parents speak with their children who enter school…

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Supporto per il terremoto in Turchia/Siria

Supporto per il terremoto in Turchia/Siria 2560 1707 School Office PYP

Since the devastating earthquake took place in Turkey and Syria several weeks ago, we have been researching ways…

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I CLUB PYP after school cambieranno da lunedì 27 marzo

I CLUB PYP after school cambieranno da lunedì 27 marzo 2000 1333 School Office PYP

This is a kind reminder about the scheduled change in PYP after school clubs with teachers. If you…

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Foto Yearbook PYP - data extra per studenti assenti

Foto Yearbook PYP - data extra per studenti assenti 2652 1310 School Office PYP

We would like to inform you that on Thursday March 16th we will take the photos of the…

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Prossime date PYP (aggiornato settimanalmente)

Prossime date PYP (aggiornato settimanalmente) 2000 1333 School Office PYP

Please note: the school calendar, which includes all upcoming dates, is always available at this link that is…

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Menù Pranzi - marzo 2023

Menù Pranzi - marzo 2023 2000 1333 School Office PYP

Il menù di marzo è disponibile a questo link.

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PYP Exhibition - ricerca di esperti

PYP Exhibition - ricerca di esperti 1888 932 School Office PYP

Are you an expert or do you know any experts connected to the ideas in the UN Sustainable…

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