
Workshop DP1 - Comprendere gli Assessment nel Diploma Programme (Registrazione)

Workshop DP1 - Comprendere gli Assessment nel Diploma Programme (Registrazione) 1920 1080 School Office MYP & DP

Dear DP1 Parents,  Thanks for your participation in the Workshop about “Understanding Assessments in the Diploma Programme”. For…

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CAT4 Assessment per studenti DP1

CAT4 Assessment per studenti DP1 2560 1707 School Office MYP & DP

At H-FARM, we are committed to providing the best possible learning experience for our students. To further this…

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Workshop per genitori DP1 sugli Assessment - 27 gennaio, 12:00 (Online)

Workshop per genitori DP1 sugli Assessment - 27 gennaio, 12:00 (Online) 2000 1500 School Office MYP & DP

We are delighted to invite you to an online workshop on DP Assessments, which will take place on…

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Workshop online per genitori - Monitorare il progresso degli studenti in MYP (Assessment - Valutazioni)

Workshop online per genitori - Monitorare il progresso degli studenti in MYP (Assessment - Valutazioni) 1920 1080 School Office MYP & DP

Thank you very much to those parents who attended this workshop on Assessment in the MYP. Please find…

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MYP Assessment di fine anno

MYP Assessment di fine anno 2560 1708 School Office MYP & DP

The End of Year Assessments for M1-M5 will begin towards the end of May. M1-2 begin their End…

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Un messaggio da Mr De Wilde

Un messaggio da Mr De Wilde 2560 1776 School Office

Dear Parents, I would like to celebrate the progress our children have made in English and maths over…

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DP2 Grade Card – 13 ottobre

DP2 Grade Card – 13 ottobre 2560 1707 School Office MYP & DP

DP2 students and parents will receive a grade card on October 13th providing insights into students’ academic achievements.…

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International School Assessment (ISA) in ottobre

International School Assessment (ISA) in ottobre 2560 1707 School Office MYP & DP

In October, we will administer the International School Assessment (ISA) for MYP1, MYP3 and MYP5 students in the…

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CAT4 Assessment

CAT4 Assessment 767 443 School Office MYP & DP

At H-FARM, we are committed to providing the best possible learning experience for our students. To further this…

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Programma degli Assessment di fine anno MYP 4-5

Programma degli Assessment di fine anno MYP 4-5 2560 1708 School Office

Dear Families, Please view this link for the tentative MYP 4-5 End of Year (EOY) Assessment Schedule.  We…

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Programma degli Assessment di fine anno MYP 4-5

Programma degli Assessment di fine anno MYP 4-5 2560 1708 School Office MYP & DP

Dear Families, Please view this link for the tentative MYP 4-5 End of Year (EOY) Assessment Schedule.  We…

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Messaggio importante sull’assessment dall’Head of School

Messaggio importante sull’assessment dall’Head of School 2560 1707 School Office MYP & DP

Dear Parents, The following message has already been shared with teachers and students and now, at the beginning…

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Sessione online sull'argomento "IB DP Internal Assessment"

Sessione online sull'argomento "IB DP Internal Assessment" 2560 1707 School Office MYP & DP

📌 Dear parents, we would like to invite you all for an online session on Monday, 19th December…

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Sessione online sull'argomento "IB DP Internal Assessment"

Sessione online sull'argomento "IB DP Internal Assessment" 2560 1707 School Office MYP & DP

📌 Dear parents, we would like to invite you all for an online session on Monday, 19th December…

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Sessione online sull'argomento "IB DP Internal Assessment"

Sessione online sull'argomento "IB DP Internal Assessment" 2560 1707 School Office MYP & DP

📌 Dear parents, we would like to invite you all for an online session on Monday, 19th December…

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