
Notizie straordinarie su MYP1: nuovi autori sotto i riflettori!

Notizie straordinarie su MYP1: nuovi autori sotto i riflettori! 706 570 School Office MYP 1-3

Our M1 students are officially published authors! On Monday, they embarked on an exciting journey to Grafiche Tintoretto,…

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2 Book Fair PYP!

2 Book Fair PYP! 1920 1080 School Office PYP

A reminder that we are hosting another English Book Fair from The Book Team! The fair will take…

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PYP Book Fair – venerdì 22 novembre

PYP Book Fair – venerdì 22 novembre 1920 1080 School Office PYP

As we continue to offer our students enhanced literacy in the classroom, we also try to offer our…

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PYP Book Fair - giovedì 26 settembre

PYP Book Fair - giovedì 26 settembre 2000 1333 School Office PYP

On Thursday 26th September, the PYP will be celebrating the Day of European Languages with a Book Fair…

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PYP Book Fair - giovedì 26 settembre

PYP Book Fair - giovedì 26 settembre 2000 1333 School Office PYP

On Thursday 26th September, the PYP will be celebrating the Day of European Languages with a Book Fair…

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MYP Liste libri di testo 

MYP Liste libri di testo  2560 1702 School Office MYP & DP

At the following links you will find the lists of books for some subjects for MYP students for…

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DP Libri di testo

DP Libri di testo 759 436 School Office MYP & DP

A list of books for some of the DP1 subjects is available at this link. The school will…

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MYP Donazione di libri scolastici e riciclo di denim con Rifò

MYP Donazione di libri scolastici e riciclo di denim con Rifò 2560 1702 School Office MYP & DP

Dear parents, If your child has books that they will no longer use, they can bring them to…

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Fiera e vendita di libri Usborne in PYP - lunedì 11 marzo

Fiera e vendita di libri Usborne in PYP - lunedì 11 marzo 1142 658 School Office PYP

We’re excited to announce that we will have another Book Sale throughout the day on Monday, March 11th.…

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Fiera/Vendita di libri in inglese in PYP - martedì 5 dicembre - 10:00-16:30

Fiera/Vendita di libri in inglese in PYP - martedì 5 dicembre - 10:00-16:30 2000 1333 School Office PYP

We will host a book fair/sale throughout the day on Tuesday, December 5th. All students will visit the…

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Libri della biblioteca PYP

Libri della biblioteca PYP 2560 1920 School Office PYP

Please ensure you return all borrowed Library and other books to school tomorrow (Friday, June 16). We are…

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Letture estive e altri esercizi

Letture estive e altri esercizi 2560 1707 School Office PYP

In our last School Office Notice of the year, we will share suggestions for summer reading and other…

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PROMEMORIA: World Book Day

PROMEMORIA: World Book Day 336 223 Farmer

We remind you that the PYP section will celebrate World Book Day on Friday, April 21st. To continue…

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World Book Day

World Book Day 336 223 School Office PYP

The PYP section will celebrate World Book Day on Friday, April 21st. To continue to develop our students’…

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