
Promemoria inizio delle attività doposcuola

Promemoria inizio delle attività doposcuola 2000 1333 School Office PYP

We remind you that ALL after school activities (clubs and sports) will start from Monday, September 9th. PYP…

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Cambio Teachers Clubs PYP - nuovo trimestre e nuovi club

Cambio Teachers Clubs PYP - nuovo trimestre e nuovi club 2000 1333 School Office PYP

Thursday, November 30th will be the last day of the current Teacher Clubs for the first trimester (except…

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Attività dopo scuola (Sport, Club insegnanti, Arts&Culture) - secondo e terzo trimestre

Attività dopo scuola (Sport, Club insegnanti, Arts&Culture) - secondo e terzo trimestre 798 681 School Office PYP

The complete offering of the after school activities (both second and third trimester) is available at this link.…

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