
Sessioni d'esame DP2 e cerimonia di Diploma - Maggio 2025

Sessioni d'esame DP2 e cerimonia di Diploma - Maggio 2025 1920 1080 School Office MYP & DP

Dear DP2 parents, In preparation for the May 2025 exams, we would like to share with you the…

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Un messaggio da Mr Isbell

Un messaggio da Mr Isbell 1182 772 School Office MYP & DP

Dear Parents, Welcome back! I hope you all enjoyed a refreshing break. It’s a pleasure to see our…

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Intervallo all'aperto e dialogo con genitori MYP

Intervallo all'aperto e dialogo con genitori MYP 2560 1707 School Office MYP & DP

As the weather changes, we remind parents that students are expected to be outside during break and lunch…

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Unit Overview su Toddle per il PYP

Unit Overview su Toddle per il PYP 2500 1667 School Office PYP

In an effort to streamline the communication channels that the PYP is using, we will be sharing our…

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Promozione salute e sicurezza in Campus: Regolamento sul divieto di utilizzo dei telefoni

Promozione salute e sicurezza in Campus: Regolamento sul divieto di utilizzo dei telefoni 2560 1920 School Office MYP & DP

At H-FARM Venice, we strive to create a learning environment that fosters focus, meaningful interactions, and academic excellence.…

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Promozione salute e sicurezza in Campus: Uso dei monopattini

Promozione salute e sicurezza in Campus: Uso dei monopattini 2560 1707 School Office MYP & DP

As part of our commitment to ensuring safety on Campus, we would like to remind all students and…

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Presentazione per i genitori MYP3 H-Assessment/Esame di terza media

Presentazione per i genitori MYP3 H-Assessment/Esame di terza media 2374 1184 School Office MYP 1-3

Thank you to all M3 parents who attended the presentation today. You can find the M3 H-Assessment Terza…

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Un messaggio del Head of School, Mr Cori

Un messaggio del Head of School, Mr Cori 2560 1707 School Office

Dear H-FARM International School Venice Families, I hope this letter finds you well and that you’re enjoying these…

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Promemoria: Sondaggio sulla vita scolastica

Promemoria: Sondaggio sulla vita scolastica 2000 1500 School Office

Dear parents,  Please take a moment to fill out the School Life survey at this link.  We would…

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Un messaggio da Mr de Wilde e Sondaggio sulla vita scolastica

Un messaggio da Mr de Wilde e Sondaggio sulla vita scolastica 912 846 School Office PYP

Dear Parents, Last week our PYP 5 students hosted a wonderful Exhibition. They were passionate, articulate and knowledgeable…

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Calendario Esami di fine anno DP1

Calendario Esami di fine anno DP1 2560 1707 School Office MYP & DP

Dear DP1 parents, End of Year Exams are approaching and we want to share with you the schedule.…

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Lettera da Mr Barbaro - cambiamenti nel Leadership Team

Lettera da Mr Barbaro - cambiamenti nel Leadership Team 1078 710 School Office

Dear families,  In this letter, I am delighted to share a number of developments in the school community…

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Un messaggio da Mr Iacco

Un messaggio da Mr Iacco 2560 1445 School Office MYP & DP

Dear parents, with the Easter break looming in the not so distant future we will soon be fully…

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Messaggio di ringraziamento per la Winter Fair

Messaggio di ringraziamento per la Winter Fair 2000 1333 School Office

Dear all,  It was beautiful to see our community come together on December 15th during the Winter Fair.…

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DP2 - Calendario delle simulazioni d'esame

DP2 - Calendario delle simulazioni d'esame 1952 974 School Office MYP & DP

As we approach the upcoming mock exams starting on January 15, we wish to inform you of the…

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Insegnante supplente di matematica per MYP4-5

Insegnante supplente di matematica per MYP4-5 1754 1239 School Office MYP & DP

Dear Parents, As of today, November 30th, after two false starts, we have secured a new substitute teacher…

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Colloqui mentor - genitore MYP e DP

Colloqui mentor - genitore MYP e DP 1329 979 School Office MYP & DP

The first academic progress reports will be available on ManageBac tomorrow, November 24th. You will receive an email with…

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Insegnante di matematica per la scuola secondaria

Insegnante di matematica per la scuola secondaria 2560 1707 School Office MYP & DP

Dear Parents I hope this message finds you well. I am reaching out to provide an update on…

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Un messaggio da Mr De Wilde

Un messaggio da Mr De Wilde 1078 710 School Office

Dear Parents, Last week we suspended one of our secondary school teachers because she used hateful language in…

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DP - Date fondamentali

DP - Date fondamentali 2560 1708 School Office MYP & DP

As we dive into the ongoing academic year, we want to ensure you are well-informed about the essential…

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