
PROMEMORIA: festa di fine anno scolastico - 22 giugno

PROMEMORIA: festa di fine anno scolastico - 22 giugno 990 702 School Office

Dear Families, In a week’s time we will celebrate all together at the end-of-year School Party, so don’t…

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Un affettuoso saluto alla nostra Incredibile Beccie Goswell

Un affettuoso saluto alla nostra Incredibile Beccie Goswell 2000 1333 School Office PYP

Often in international schools, staff changes occur. At the end of this school year, the PYP section will…

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Nel campus di H-FARM International School non si può fumare

Nel campus di H-FARM International School non si può fumare 2560 1920 School Office PYP

All areas around all school buildings, including the Welcome Center and the Library, are smoke free zones. This…

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Save the Date: MYP 5 Celebration

Save the Date: MYP 5 Celebration 2000 1129 School Office MYP & DP

Dear MYP 5 families, it’s time to celebrate, recognise and applaud the accomplishments of our MYP 5 students.…

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H-CARE Webinar per genitori - registrazioni delle sessioni

H-CARE Webinar per genitori - registrazioni delle sessioni 2142 1304 School Office PYP

We are happy to share the video recording of the three Webinar organized by H-FARM International School Vicenza…

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PROMEMORIA: H-CARE Webinar (online) per genitori

PROMEMORIA: H-CARE Webinar (online) per genitori 2142 1304 School Office PYP

We are happy to share the last Webinar organized by H-FARM International School Vicenza with Reach Aut. These…

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Uso dei telefoni cellulari da parte dei genitori durante gli eventi scolastici

Uso dei telefoni cellulari da parte dei genitori durante gli eventi scolastici 2560 1707 School Office PYP

Over the coming weeks we have a number of events here at school that will involve parents.We kindly…

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PROMEMORIA: H-CARE Webinar (online) per genitori

PROMEMORIA: H-CARE Webinar (online) per genitori 2142 1304 School Office PYP

We are happy to share 3 Webinars organized by H-FARM International School Vicenza with Reach Aut. These workshops…

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Programma degli Assessment di fine anno MYP 4-5

Programma degli Assessment di fine anno MYP 4-5 2560 1708 School Office

Dear Families, Please view this link for the tentative MYP 4-5 End of Year (EOY) Assessment Schedule.  We…

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PROMEMORIA: H-CARE Webinar (online) per genitori

PROMEMORIA: H-CARE Webinar (online) per genitori 2142 1304 School Office PYP

We are happy to share 3 Webinars organized by H-FARM International School Vicenza with Reach Aut. These workshops…

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PROMEMORIA: Messaggio dalle Y4 ai genitori delle Elementari

PROMEMORIA: Messaggio dalle Y4 ai genitori delle Elementari 1024 768 School Office PYP

Dear parents, Year 4 has started our new Economy unit. For this unit we started a business made…

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Classe DP 1 2024 - calendario interno

Classe DP 1 2024 - calendario interno 2560 1921 School Office MYP & DP

Dear Parents,  Please find at this link the DP 1 Class of 2024 Internal Deadlines.

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Programma degli Assessment di fine anno MYP 4-5

Programma degli Assessment di fine anno MYP 4-5 2560 1708 School Office MYP & DP

Dear Families, Please view this link for the tentative MYP 4-5 End of Year (EOY) Assessment Schedule.  We…

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Messaggio dalle Y4 ai genitori delle Elementari

Messaggio dalle Y4 ai genitori delle Elementari 2560 1707 School Office PYP

Dear parents, Year 4 has started our new Economy unit. For this unit we started a business made…

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PROMEMORIA: H-CARE Webinar (online) per genitori

PROMEMORIA: H-CARE Webinar (online) per genitori 2142 1304 School Office PYP

We are happy to share 3 Webinars organized by H-FARM International School Vicenza with Reach Aut. These workshops…

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Supervisione dei bambini in campus dopo la scuola

Supervisione dei bambini in campus dopo la scuola 2000 1125 School Office PYP

A kind reminder to all parents to ensure you supervise your children if you spend time on campus…

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H-CARE Webinar (online) per genitori

H-CARE Webinar (online) per genitori 2142 1304 School Office PYP

We are happy to share 3 Webinars organized by H-FARM International School Vicenza with Reach Aut. These workshops…

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Esperienza Robomed

Esperienza Robomed 2560 1920 School Office PYP

Our teams of coders made us all very proud during the international Robomed robotics competition in Lisbon last…

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PROMEMORIA: World Book Day

PROMEMORIA: World Book Day 336 223 Farmer

We remind you that the PYP section will celebrate World Book Day on Friday, April 21st. To continue…

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MYP Final Assessments – Giugno 2023

MYP Final Assessments – Giugno 2023 2560 1708 School Office MYP & DP

Dear Parents and Students, Learning something means that we are effectively storing knowledge and competences in our long…

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