
Verbale della riunione dei rappresentanti di classe (MYP 4-5)

Verbale della riunione dei rappresentanti di classe (MYP 4-5) 2000 1339 Matteo Nardin

The minutes from the MYP 4-5 Class Reps Parent Meeting held last Tuesday, 18th October 2022, can be…

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Vacanze scolastiche

Vacanze scolastiche 2000 1500 School Office PYP

Dear Parents, We would like to wish you and your families a wonderful holiday. Our school will be…

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Colloqui genitori/insegnanti PYP

Colloqui genitori/insegnanti PYP 2560 1920 School Office PYP

All PYP parents will have the opportunity to speak with teachers, by appointment, starting from the week of…

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Promemoria PYP - aggiornamento 27.10.22

Promemoria PYP - aggiornamento 27.10.22 2048 1536 School Office PYP

STEAM Explorers postponedThe STEAM Explorers event scheduled for Monday, November 14th has been postponed and will not take…

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Messaggio da Mr de Wilde, Head of School

Messaggio da Mr de Wilde, Head of School 2000 1333 School Office PYP

Dear Parents, I hope that your families are staying healthy as we move into slightly cooler weather and…

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ManageBac: sessione di supporto ai genitori MYP 1-5

ManageBac: sessione di supporto ai genitori MYP 1-5 1329 979 Matteo Nardin

As discussed during the Parent Class Reps meeting, Mr Francesco Mariutto will be available online for a parent…

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Orari di ricevimento insegnanti MYP & DP

Orari di ricevimento insegnanti MYP & DP 2000 1333 Matteo Nardin

Dear parents, please consult this list of teachers office hours during which you can make appointments to discuss…

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Promemoria PYP - aggiornamento 20.10.22

Promemoria PYP - aggiornamento 20.10.22 2000 1333 School Office PYP

Year 5 Science Fair for Year 5 Parents – Friday, October 21st – 14:00-15:00We remind our Year 5…

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Opportunità di volontariato per studenti Y3-5

Opportunità di volontariato per studenti Y3-5 2000 1333 School Office PYP

As part of our focus on developing H-Skills and International Mindedness in the PYP section, our Year 3,…

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Evento di Halloween per studenti PYP

Evento di Halloween per studenti PYP 1374 756 School Office PYP

Please read the message below from a fantastic team of DP (High School) students who are organizing a…

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Orari di ricevimento insegnanti MYP & DP

Orari di ricevimento insegnanti MYP & DP 2560 1709 Matteo Nardin

Dear parents, please consult this list of teachers office hours during which you can make appointments to discuss…

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Comunicazione ai genitori MYP 1-3

Comunicazione ai genitori MYP 1-3 2560 1707 Matteo Nardin

Mr Paul Iacco is currently on a well deserved paternity leave. He will return after the October break.…

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Healthy Body and Beautiful Mind

Healthy Body and Beautiful Mind 2000 1333 School Office PYP

Healthy Body and Beautiful Mind – Tuesday, October 18th – 18:00-19:30 (in person event)Save the date! On Tuesday…

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Promemoria PYP - aggiornamento 13.10.22

Promemoria PYP - aggiornamento 13.10.22 2000 1500 School Office PYP

STEAM Explorers – Monday, November 14th – 15:15-16:30We encourage all parents to participate with their children in this…

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Screening Pedagogici e interventi di follow up per gli studenti PYP: Luigi Sangalli

Screening Pedagogici e interventi di follow up per gli studenti PYP: Luigi Sangalli 2000 1333 School Office PYP

Our school is committed to developing the potential of each individual learner. Throughout November, as we do every…

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Mathematics Revision Booster - DP 2

Mathematics Revision Booster - DP 2 2560 1709 Matteo Nardin

We would like to bring to your attention a great opportunity for DP 2 students to reinforce their…

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Elezioni dei rappresentanti di classe - MYP & DP

Elezioni dei rappresentanti di classe - MYP & DP 2560 1707 Matteo Nardin

Thank you very much to all of you who volunteered to act as class reps. I really look…

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Promemoria uniforme scolastica per MYP 4-5

Promemoria uniforme scolastica per MYP 4-5 802 596 Matteo Nardin

We kindly remind you that all students in MYP 4 and MYP 5 are required to wear the…

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Winter Performances PYP

Winter Performances PYP 2000 1333 School Office PYP

This year, each year level will help kick off the holiday season with special performances in December. These…

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STEAM Explorers!

STEAM Explorers! 2560 1707 School Office PYP

STEAM Explorers – November 14 – 15:15-16:30Our 2022 STEAM Explorers event will be an exciting afternoon filled with…

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