
PROMEMORIA: PYP Exhibition 2023 - DOMANI (venerdì 26 maggio - 13:30)

PROMEMORIA: PYP Exhibition 2023 - DOMANI (venerdì 26 maggio - 13:30) 682 382 School Office PYP

We are pleased to invite all PYP parents to attend the Exhibition presentation scheduled for Friday, May 26th…

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PROMEMORIA: Student Led Conferences PYP - lunedì 19 giugno

PROMEMORIA: Student Led Conferences PYP - lunedì 19 giugno 2000 1271 School Office PYP

Student Led Conferences provide another way for parents to learn more about their child and their learning at…

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Prossime date PYP (aggiornato settimanalmente)

Prossime date PYP (aggiornato settimanalmente) 2560 1920 School Office PYP

Please note: the school calendar, which includes all upcoming dates, is always available at this link that is…

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MYP 4 Acceleration Lab Demo Night

MYP 4 Acceleration Lab Demo Night 2000 1333 School Office MYP & DP

Dear MYP 4 Parents, In just four short weeks your son/daughter will be taking part in Demo Night…

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Let’s Spark a Conversation 11 maggio - riassunto

Let’s Spark a Conversation 11 maggio - riassunto 2160 1080 School Office MYP & DP

Dear Parents,  Please read at this link an exhaustive summary of last week’s Let’s Spark a Conversation event,…

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Eventi - Ignition Lab Speaker Series

Eventi - Ignition Lab Speaker Series 2000 1333 School Office

💬 Have a glimpse of the talks scheduled in May: Martina Pigazzi, Associate Professor OncoHematology Unit University of…

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PROMEMORIA: Open Day After School 2023/24 - sabato 27 maggio, 9:30

PROMEMORIA: Open Day After School 2023/24 - sabato 27 maggio, 9:30 1257 709 School Office PYP

The school year is about to end and we are ready to present to you all the projects…

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PYP Exhibition 2023

PYP Exhibition 2023 682 382 School Office PYP

The PYP Exhibition is the culminating event of the entire Primary Years Program (PYP). This extended inquiry project,…

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Uso dei telefoni cellulari da parte dei genitori durante gli eventi scolastici

Uso dei telefoni cellulari da parte dei genitori durante gli eventi scolastici 2560 1707 School Office PYP

Over the coming weeks we have a number of events here at school that will involve parents.We kindly…

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PROMEMORIA: Student Led Conferences PYP - lunedì 19 giugno

PROMEMORIA: Student Led Conferences PYP - lunedì 19 giugno 2000 1271 School Office PYP

Student Led Conferences provide another way for parents to learn more about their child and their learning at…

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Prossime date PYP (aggiornato settimanalmente)

Prossime date PYP (aggiornato settimanalmente) 1894 1376 School Office PYP

Please note: the school calendar, which includes all upcoming dates, is always available at this link that is…

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Telefono Azzurro

Telefono Azzurro 2000 1333 School Office MYP & DP

During last week the school had the pleasure of hosting some volunteers from Telefono Azzurro, who spoke to…

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Open Day After School 2023/24 - sabato 27 maggio, 9:30

Open Day After School 2023/24 - sabato 27 maggio, 9:30 1257 709 School Office PYP

The school year is about to end and we are ready to present to you all the projects…

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Eventi - Ignition Lab Speaker Series

Eventi - Ignition Lab Speaker Series 2000 1333 School Office MYP & DP

💬 Have a glimpse of the talks scheduled in May: Martina Pigazzi, Associate Professor OncoHematology Unit University of…

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Student Led Conferences - lunedì 19 giugno

Student Led Conferences - lunedì 19 giugno 2000 1271 School Office PYP

Student Led Conferences provide another way for parents to learn more about their child and their learning at…

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Prossime date PYP (aggiornato settimanalmente)

Prossime date PYP (aggiornato settimanalmente) 2048 1536 Farmer

Please note: the school calendar, which includes all upcoming dates, is always available at this link that is…

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Eventi - Ignition Lab Speaker Series

Eventi - Ignition Lab Speaker Series 2000 1333 School Office

💬 Have a glimpse of the talks scheduled in May: Matteo Fabrini, founder of Faba raccontastorie, incubated in…

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Prossime date PYP (aggiornato settimanalmente)

Prossime date PYP (aggiornato settimanalmente) 1024 768 School Office PYP

Please note: the school calendar, which includes all upcoming dates, is always available at this link that is…

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Eventi - Ignition Lab Speaker Series

Eventi - Ignition Lab Speaker Series 2000 1333 School Office

💬 Have a glimpse of the talks scheduled in April and May: Matteo Fabrini, founder of Faba raccontastorie,…

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Prossime date PYP (aggiornato settimanalmente)

Prossime date PYP (aggiornato settimanalmente) 2048 1536 School Office PYP

Please note: the school calendar, which includes all upcoming dates, is always available at this link that is…

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