
Vacanze - scuola chiusa dal 28.10 al 4.11

Vacanze - scuola chiusa dal 28.10 al 4.11 1920 1080 School Office PYP

We remind parents that the school will be closed from October 28th-November 4th, as per the previously shared…

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DOMANI ultimo giorno di scuola (mezza giornata), 21 giugno - e orari bus

DOMANI ultimo giorno di scuola (mezza giornata), 21 giugno - e orari bus 3350 1882 School Office PYP

We would like to remind you that the last school day, tomorrow Friday 21st June, lessons will finish…

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Ultimo giorno di scuola (mezza giornata), 21 giugno - e orari bus

Ultimo giorno di scuola (mezza giornata), 21 giugno - e orari bus 3350 1882 School Office PYP

We would like to remind you that the last school day, Friday 21st June, lessons will finish at…

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Vacanze - scuola chiusa 25-26.04 & 1.05

Vacanze - scuola chiusa 25-26.04 & 1.05 2560 1708 School Office PYP

We remind parents that the school will be closed April 25-26 and May 1st, as per the previously…

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Vacanze - scuola chiusa 29.03-05.04

Vacanze - scuola chiusa 29.03-05.04 2560 1708 School Office PYP

We remind parents that the school will be closed from March 29th (Friday) until April 5th included, as…

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Vacanze - scuola chiusa 12-16.02

Vacanze - scuola chiusa 12-16.02 2560 1708 School Office PYP

We remind parents that the school will be closed from February 12th until the 16th included, as per…

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Christmas Letter 2023

Christmas Letter 2023 2560 1707 School Office

Dear Parents, So much has happened since we welcomed students in those first warm September days. We wanted…

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Ultimo giorno di scuola (mezza giornata) e bus scolastici

Ultimo giorno di scuola (mezza giornata) e bus scolastici 3350 1882 School Office PYP

Wednesday, December 20th is the last day of school before the Winter Holiday. This is a half day…

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Vacanze - scuola chiusa 8.12

Vacanze - scuola chiusa 8.12 2560 1708 School Office PYP

We remind parents that Friday, December 8th is a national holiday, therefore the school will be closed, as…

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Vacanze - Scuola chiusa dal 30.10 al 6.11

Vacanze - Scuola chiusa dal 30.10 al 6.11 2560 1708 School Office PYP

We remind parents that the school will be closed from October 30th-November 6th, as per the previously shared…

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Vacanze - Scuola chiusa dal 30.10 al 6.11

Vacanze - Scuola chiusa dal 30.10 al 6.11 2560 1708 School Office PYP

We remind parents that the school will be closed from October 30th-November 6th, as per the previously shared…

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PROMEMORIA: Vacanze scolastiche - 2 giugno

PROMEMORIA: Vacanze scolastiche - 2 giugno 2560 1708 School Office PYP

We remind you that, as per the school calendar, the school will be closed on Friday, June 2nd…

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PROMEMORIA: Vacanze scolastiche - 2 giugno

PROMEMORIA: Vacanze scolastiche - 2 giugno 2560 1708 School Office PYP

We remind you that, as per the school calendar, the school will be closed on Friday, June 2nd…

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Vacanze scolastiche - 2 giugno

Vacanze scolastiche - 2 giugno 2560 1708 Farmer

We remind you that, as per the school calendar, the school will be closed on Friday, June 2nd…

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Vacanze scolastiche - 1 maggio

Vacanze scolastiche - 1 maggio 2560 1708 School Office PYP

Vi ricordiamo che, come indicato nel calendario scolastico, la scuola rimarrà chiusa il 1 maggio.

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Vacanze scolastiche - 24-25 aprile, 1 maggio

Vacanze scolastiche - 24-25 aprile, 1 maggio 2560 1708 School Office PYP

We remind you that, as per the school calendar, the school will be closed on April 24 and…

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PROMEMORIA: 7-14 aprile, vacanze di Pasqua

PROMEMORIA: 7-14 aprile, vacanze di Pasqua 946 1106 Farmer

We remind you that the school will be closed between April 7-14th, as indicated on the school calendar.…

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PROMEMORIA: 7-14 aprile, vacanze di Pasqua

PROMEMORIA: 7-14 aprile, vacanze di Pasqua 946 1106 School Office PYP

We remind you that the school will be closed between April 7-14th, as indicated on the school calendar.…

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7-14 aprile, vacanze di Pasqua

7-14 aprile, vacanze di Pasqua 946 1106 School Office PYP

We remind you that the school will be closed between April 7-14th, as indicated on the school calendar.…

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Promemoria: la scuola sarà chiusa dal 20 al 24 febbraio

Promemoria: la scuola sarà chiusa dal 20 al 24 febbraio 2560 1708 Farmer

We remind you that the school will be closed between 20th and 24th February, as indicated on the…

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