
PROMEMORIA: 7-14 aprile, vacanze di Pasqua

PROMEMORIA: 7-14 aprile, vacanze di Pasqua 946 1106 Farmer

We remind you that the school will be closed between April 7-14th, as indicated on the school calendar.…

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PROMEMORIA: 7-14 aprile, vacanze di Pasqua

PROMEMORIA: 7-14 aprile, vacanze di Pasqua 946 1106 School Office PYP

We remind you that the school will be closed between April 7-14th, as indicated on the school calendar.…

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7-14 aprile, vacanze di Pasqua

7-14 aprile, vacanze di Pasqua 946 1106 School Office PYP

We remind you that the school will be closed between April 7-14th, as indicated on the school calendar.…

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Promemoria: la scuola sarà chiusa dal 20 al 24 febbraio

Promemoria: la scuola sarà chiusa dal 20 al 24 febbraio 2560 1708 Farmer

We remind you that the school will be closed between 20th and 24th February, as indicated on the…

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Promemoria: la scuola sarà chiusa dal 20 al 24 febbraio

Promemoria: la scuola sarà chiusa dal 20 al 24 febbraio 2560 1708 School Office PYP

We remind you that the school will be closed between 20th and 24th February, as indicated on the…

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Promemoria: la scuola sarà chiusa dal 20 al 24 febbraio

Promemoria: la scuola sarà chiusa dal 20 al 24 febbraio 2560 1708 School Office PYP

We remind you that the school will be closed between 20th and 24th February, as indicated on the…

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Un messaggio dall’Head of School

Un messaggio dall’Head of School 2560 1920 School Office MYP & DP

Dear Parents, The holiday season is upon us and we hope that you and your loved ones remain…

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Buone Feste da Ms Andrews

Buone Feste da Ms Andrews 1709 2560 School Office PYP

As this is our last School Office Notice before the upcoming winter holiday, I will take this opportunity…

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Un messaggio dall’Head of School

Un messaggio dall’Head of School 2560 1920 Matteo Nardin

Dear Parents, The holiday season is upon us and we hope that you and your loved ones remain…

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Vacanze scolastiche - 8-9 dicembre e 22 dicembre-8 gennaio

Vacanze scolastiche - 8-9 dicembre e 22 dicembre-8 gennaio 1709 2560 School Office PYP

On Thursday and Friday, December 8-9, the school will be closed for a national holiday. December 21 is…

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Vacanze scolastiche 28.10 - 4.11

Vacanze scolastiche 28.10 - 4.11 2000 1288 School Office PYP

Our school will be closed from October 28th (Friday) through November 4th. Students return to school on November…

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