
Da Autori a Mentors: gli studenti MYP1 guidano gli studenti PYP3 nella creazione di favole accattivanti

Da Autori a Mentors: gli studenti MYP1 guidano gli studenti PYP3 nella creazione di favole accattivanti 2560 1920 School Office PYP

This week, our MYP1 students had the unique opportunity to mentor PYP3 students as they began their exciting…

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Report MYP di metà semestre e confronto con i docenti

Report MYP di metà semestre e confronto con i docenti 2560 1445 School Office

Dear Parents, As we approach the festive season, it’s a great time to pause and reflect on the…

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Serata insieme agli insegnanti e mentor MYP1-3

Serata insieme agli insegnanti e mentor MYP1-3 2560 1679 School Office MYP 1-3

Dear Parents, We are excited to invite you to our upcoming ‘Meet the Teachers and Mentor Evening’ on…

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Serata sul curriculum insieme ai mentor MYP1-3

Serata sul curriculum insieme ai mentor MYP1-3 2560 1815 School Office MYP 1-3

Dear Parents, We are excited to invite you to our Curriculum & Mentor Night for M1-3 parents, scheduled…

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PYP Exhibition - Invito per tutti i genitori PYP e richiesta contatti di esperti

PYP Exhibition - Invito per tutti i genitori PYP e richiesta contatti di esperti 2560 1920 School Office PYP

Our Year 5 students, supported by their mentors, are persevering through their extensive research to uncover how the…

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DP 1 e DP 2: Bentornati!

DP 1 e DP 2: Bentornati! 2560 1707 School Office MYP & DP

We are thrilled to extend a warm welcome back to school as you embark on this significant phase…

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Conferenze genitori / studenti / mentors

Conferenze genitori / studenti / mentors 2560 1709 School Office MYP & DP

We published the first academic progress reports through ManageBac last week. If you didn’t receive an e-mail message…

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Conferenze genitori / studenti / mentors

Conferenze genitori / studenti / mentors 2560 1709 School Office MYP & DP

Dear parents, On Friday, 11th November 2022, we will publish the first academic progress reports through ManageBac. You…

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