
Pro e Contro dell'uso dei Social Media - Registrazione del webinar

Pro e Contro dell'uso dei Social Media - Registrazione del webinar 796 451 School Office

Dear families,  Please find at the link below the recording of the Webinar about social media held by…

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Giornata internazionale della lingua materna

Giornata internazionale della lingua materna 725 407 School Office MYP & DP

On February 21st we celebrated International Mother Language Day, a worldwide event held annually. The day was established…

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Invito a pranzo per i genitori PYP

Invito a pranzo per i genitori PYP 2000 1333 School Office PYP

Please join us for lunch! Select a day that works for you and sign up here to reserve…

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Online Coffee Morning con Mr Iacco

Online Coffee Morning con Mr Iacco 2000 1333 School Office MYP & DP

As we approach the upcoming February school break, I wanted to take this opportunity to connect with you…

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Registrazione: MYP5 Sessione riguardo la scelta delle materie DP

Registrazione: MYP5 Sessione riguardo la scelta delle materie DP 2560 1707 School Office MYP & DP

Dear MYP5 parents,  Thank you for your participation in the Subject choice session. Here you will find the…

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Lettera dall'Head of School - Rinnovo iscrizione 2024/2025

Lettera dall'Head of School - Rinnovo iscrizione 2024/2025 2000 1333 School Office

Dear families, I hope this message finds you well. Last week, one of you was kind enough to…

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MYP3: 30 gennaio - MYP4 Subject Fair

MYP3: 30 gennaio - MYP4 Subject Fair 2560 1707 School Office MYP & DP

Dear MYP3 Students and Parents, I hope this message finds you well. Recently, we organised a successful MYP4…

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MYP5: Sessione riguardo la scelta delle materie DP per le famiglie

MYP5: Sessione riguardo la scelta delle materie DP per le famiglie 2560 1440 School Office MYP & DP

Dear MYP5 parents,  We are pleased to announce an informative session for families regarding subject choices in the…

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Iscrizioni - promemoria

Iscrizioni - promemoria 2560 1707 Farmer

Dear Families,We remind you that for enrolments completed by January 31st 2024, the Early bird discount is granted.The…

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POSTICIPATO: Webinar sull'uso dei Social Media

POSTICIPATO: Webinar sull'uso dei Social Media 780 390 School Office

Dear parents, unfortunately the webinar is cancelled for today. The new date is: February 7th at 2pm. Kind…

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Caffè con il Student Support Team - 18 gennaio

Caffè con il Student Support Team - 18 gennaio 1950 1080 School Office MYP & DP

The MYP EAL and Student Support Team would like to invite you for coffee on the morning of…

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Iscrizioni - promemoria

Iscrizioni - promemoria 2560 1707 School Office PYP

Dear Families,We remind you that for enrolments completed by January 31st 2024, the Early bird discount is granted.The…

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PYP Exhibition - Sessione per genitori Y5 con gli studenti Y5

PYP Exhibition - Sessione per genitori Y5 con gli studenti Y5 1024 305 School Office PYP

February 6 – 8:45-10:00 – PYP Outlook All Year 5 parents are invited to participate in this explanatory…

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Subject Fair MYP3

Subject Fair MYP3 2560 1707 School Office MYP & DP

Dear MYP3 Parents and Students, We are excited to invite you to our upcoming online Subject Fair for…

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Workshop di matematica per genitori PYP - Data aggiuntiva!

Workshop di matematica per genitori PYP - Data aggiuntiva! 2560 1920 School Office PYP

Developing Mathematical Thinkers in the PYP with Iliana Gutierrez and Jane Andrews Due to high interest and requests…

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Spettacoli invernali PYP - logistica

Spettacoli invernali PYP - logistica 2160 1620 School Office PYP

EYU Spettacolo – Wednesday, December 13 – 9:30 – PYP Outlook Parents are invited to enter the Outlook…

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Spettacoli invernali PYP - logistica

Spettacoli invernali PYP - logistica 2160 1620 School Office PYP

EYU Spettacolo – Wednesday, December 13 – 9:30 – PYP Outlook Parents are invited to enter the Outlook…

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Apertura piattaforma iscrizioni 24-25

Apertura piattaforma iscrizioni 24-25 2560 1707 School Office PYP

Dear Families, The enrollment platform is currently undergoing structural changes aimed at enhancing its usability. Its opening is…

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Colloqui mentor - genitore MYP e DP

Colloqui mentor - genitore MYP e DP 1329 979 School Office MYP & DP

The first academic progress reports will be available on ManageBac tomorrow, November 24th. You will receive an email with…

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Winter Spettacolo X2 e Christmas Jumper Day - EYU ed elementari

Winter Spettacolo X2 e Christmas Jumper Day - EYU ed elementari 2200 1474 School Office PYP

We are all getting very excited about our upcoming Winter Shows, scheduled for: December 13th starting at 9:30…

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