
EYU Sfida della Gelateria La Romana - giovedì 14 novembre

EYU Sfida della Gelateria La Romana - giovedì 14 novembre 1920 1080 School Office PYP

As part of the ‘Gelateria of the Future’ challenge our EYU students will be given a workshop on…

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Busy Bees: progetto “Colour Me Happy Wednesdays”

Busy Bees: progetto “Colour Me Happy Wednesdays” 1920 1080 School Office PYP

Dear Busy Bees Parents As part of our units “Who we are” and “How we express ourselves” and…

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MYP3 H-assessment

MYP3 H-assessment 2000 1483 School Office MYP & DP

This week marks the start of our M3 students’ preparation for the H-assessment. To support them through this…

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Cerchiamo palline da tennis usate!

Cerchiamo palline da tennis usate! 2560 1707 School Office PYP

Please help us take action against Climate Change. One of our amazing Year 5 students is requesting that…

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Progetto Eco-School

Progetto Eco-School 1920 1080 School Office MYP & DP

M2 and M3 students have been part of a special project this week. Two days have been dedicated…

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Personal Project Exhibition

Personal Project Exhibition 2560 1707 School Office MYP & DP

Dear Families, We are thrilled to share the success of the Personal Project exhibition, which took place on…

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Contest Motomorphosis

Contest Motomorphosis 1235 814 School Office MYP & DP

Take part in the Motomorphosis competition open to all schools! Its objective? To spread the culture of safety,…

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Sondaggio Eco-School sugli acquisti ecologici

Sondaggio Eco-School sugli acquisti ecologici 1920 1080 School Office

Dear Parents, I trust this message finds you well. We are thrilled to announce that H-FARM is actively…

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