Progetti e iniziative CAS/SA

Progetti e iniziative CAS/SA 2000 1333 School Office MYP & DP

🙏 We are calling for the school community to join forces towards the Syria/Turkey Earthquake displaced population. We…

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Progetti e iniziative CAS/SA

Progetti e iniziative CAS/SA 2000 1333 School Office MYP & DP

🎗️ The school is most delighted to feature Maria Sole’s fundraising event on 6th March 2023, at 14:15…

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Progetti e iniziative CAS/SA

Progetti e iniziative CAS/SA 2000 1333 School Office MYP & DP

🙏 In preparation of the Black History Awareness Month which is held in February, our students have worked…

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Progetti e iniziative CAS/SA

Progetti e iniziative CAS/SA 2000 1333 School Office MYP & DP

🎗️Calling for performers for the upcoming H-Farm Talent Show: shine like the stars and use the fun towards…

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Progetti e iniziative CAS/SA

Progetti e iniziative CAS/SA 2000 1333 School Office MYP & DP

🎗️It is with great pleasure that we announce that a student-led Modelling United Nations (MUN) Club has been…

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Progetti e iniziative CAS/SA

Progetti e iniziative CAS/SA 2000 1333 School Office MYP & DP

🙏 In preparation of the Black History Awareness Month which is held in February, our students are working…

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Raccolta fondi - Service as Action

Raccolta fondi - Service as Action 2342 1698 School Office MYP & DP

Dear parents, We would like to kindly ask you to support a charitable initiative of some of our…

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