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PYP Student Led Conferences - giovedì 8 maggio 2025 - SAVE THE DATE

PYP Student Led Conferences - giovedì 8 maggio 2025 - SAVE THE DATE 1920 1080 School Office PYP

What is a Student-Led Conference (SLC)?A student-led conference is an opportunity for all PYP students (Honey Bees to…

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PYP1 Celebrazioni

PYP1 Celebrazioni 1920 1080 School Office PYP

Dear Y1 Parents, As part of our unit Who We Are, we are inquiring into the similarities and…

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Transition meeting per genitori da Reception Rockets a PYP1 - giovedì 28 novembre

Transition meeting per genitori da Reception Rockets a PYP1 - giovedì 28 novembre 1920 1080 School Office PYP

We are pleased to invite you to a special event designed to provide insight into the transition from…

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Save the Date: DP 1 Bootcamp

Save the Date: DP 1 Bootcamp 2560 1707 School Office MYP & DP

Dear Families of our upcoming DP 1 students, As the current school year comes to a close, we…

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Save the date: 22 giugno - festa di fine anno scolastico

Save the date: 22 giugno - festa di fine anno scolastico 2000 1125 School Office

On Thursday, June 22nd, parents and students are invited to join the end-of-year festivities outside, where the school…

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Riunione per viaggio MYP 4 a Parigi

Riunione per viaggio MYP 4 a Parigi 2560 1707 School Office MYP & DP

We cordially invite all parents of students participating in the Paris trip to join us on June 8th…

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MYP 1 – 2 Science Fair

MYP 1 – 2 Science Fair 2000 1333 School Office MYP & DP

Dear Families,  The annual H-Science fair will be held on Wednesday, May 17th from 14:00 in the Hill…

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Scegliere un'istruzione IB: un'analisi costi/benefici - 3 maggio

Scegliere un'istruzione IB: un'analisi costi/benefici - 3 maggio 2560 1707 School Office MYP & DP

Dear Parents, In an effort to respond to your requests for more information on what it means to…

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School trip MYP a Malta: prima riunione genitori - 27 aprile

School trip MYP a Malta: prima riunione genitori - 27 aprile 2560 1639 School Office

Dear Parents, Please be informed that on Thursday, 27th April 2023, we will have a parent meeting for…

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Incontro con i rappresentanti dei genitori MYP 4-5: lunedì, 27 marzo 2023

Incontro con i rappresentanti dei genitori MYP 4-5: lunedì, 27 marzo 2023 2560 1707 School Office MYP & DP

The next MYP 4 – 5 Parent Representative Meeting is scheduled for Monday, 27th March in the Music…

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Data della cerimonia MYP 5: giovedì, 22 giugno 2023

Data della cerimonia MYP 5: giovedì, 22 giugno 2023 896 700 School Office MYP & DP

We are happy to inform you that on Thursday, 22nd June 2023, we will celebrate our MYP 5…

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Beautiful Minds Bootcamp Studenti MYP 4 2023-24

Beautiful Minds Bootcamp Studenti MYP 4 2023-24 2000 1333 School Office MYP & DP

As already communicated in the previous School Office Notice, to help our students get in the right mindset…

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Foto per lo Yearbook MYP/DP - 28 febbraio

Foto per lo Yearbook MYP/DP - 28 febbraio 2652 1310 School Office MYP & DP

Dear families,  We remind you that on Tuesday, 28th February, we will take individual pictures of students and…

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