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Viaggio di istruzione MYP4 ad Atene

Viaggio di istruzione MYP4 ad Atene 2560 1919 School Office MYP & DP

Dear Parents, We are delighted to announce an enriching educational trip to Athens, Greece, scheduled from May 5–9,…

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Viaggio di istruzione MYP5 a Berlino

Viaggio di istruzione MYP5 a Berlino 2560 1920 School Office MYP & DP

Dear Parents, We are thrilled to announce an enriching educational trip to Berlin, Germany, scheduled from May 5–9,…

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Workshop per genitori DP1 sugli Assessment - 27 gennaio, 12:00 (Online)

Workshop per genitori DP1 sugli Assessment - 27 gennaio, 12:00 (Online) 2000 1500 School Office MYP & DP

We are delighted to invite you to an online workshop on DP Assessments, which will take place on…

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Visita didattica MYP1 al MUSE - Trento

Visita didattica MYP1 al MUSE - Trento 1920 1080 School Office MYP 1-3

Dear M1 Parents, I am happy to share that we have planned an exciting educational visit for our…

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MYP1-2 Science Exhibition

MYP1-2 Science Exhibition 2000 1333 School Office MYP 1-3

We are thrilled to invite you to the Science Exhibition showcasing the creativity and hard work of our…

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Bentornati da Mr Isbell

Bentornati da Mr Isbell 1182 772 School Office

Happy New Year to everyone! Wishing you all the best for the year ahead, which promises to be…

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Viaggio a Bruxelles classe di chimica DP1

Viaggio a Bruxelles classe di chimica DP1 1525 854 School Office MYP & DP

Overview:This trip to Brussels and nearby cities offers a unique blend of cultural exploration and scientific discovery, showcasing…

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Caffè mattutino per genitori MYP4-5 con Mr Isbell e Mr Iacco

Caffè mattutino per genitori MYP4-5 con Mr Isbell e Mr Iacco 1920 1080 School Office MYP & DP

Dear MYP4-5 Parents, I’m excited to invite you all to a friendly coffee morning next Thursday, December 19th,…

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DP2: Calendario simulazioni d'esame

DP2: Calendario simulazioni d'esame 2000 1500 School Office MYP & DP

As we approach the upcoming mock exams starting on January 8, we wish to inform you of the…

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PTA Winter Fair!

PTA Winter Fair! 1298 886 School Office

🗓️ Friday, December 13th 🕒 3:30 pm until 6:00 pm 📍Big Hall In a festively decorated venue, we…

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IMPORTANTE Modifica orario incontro transizione da PYP5 a MYP: Visita all'edificio

IMPORTANTE Modifica orario incontro transizione da PYP5 a MYP: Visita all'edificio 2000 1500 School Office PYP

Dear Parents,  Please note that the tour of the MYP facilities for all Year 5 parents has been…

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Caffè mattutino per genitori MYP1-2-3 con Mr Iacco e Mr Isbell

Caffè mattutino per genitori MYP1-2-3 con Mr Iacco e Mr Isbell 1920 1080 School Office MYP 1-3

Dear M1-2-3 Parents, You are warmly invited to a coffee morning next Wednesday, December 11th, from 9:00 to…

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Workshop per genitori MYP - Service as Action

Workshop per genitori MYP - Service as Action 1920 1080 School Office MYP & DP

📆 Tuesday December 10, 2024 🕙 10:00 – 10:45 am 💻 Online 👤 Mr Michael Moll – SA…

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Workshop per genitori MYP2 - Matematica in MYP

Workshop per genitori MYP2 - Matematica in MYP 1920 1080 School Office MYP 1-3

📆 Friday December 6, 2024 🕙 9:00 – 10:00 am 💻 Online 👤 Ms Manso – MYP Coordinator…

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Webinar MYP1-2-3 "Relazioni sane: Guidare i bambini a costruire legami positivi”

Webinar MYP1-2-3 "Relazioni sane: Guidare i bambini a costruire legami positivi” 1920 1080 School Office MYP 1-3

Dear Parents, We are excited to invite you to an insightful online webinar on “Healthy Relationships: Guiding children…

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Viaggi di volontariato MYP4 e MYP5 - Riunioni online

Viaggi di volontariato MYP4 e MYP5 - Riunioni online 1920 1080 School Office MYP & DP

Dear Families, Next week, there will be an information meeting for any parents interested in learning more about…

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DP1 Classe di Italiano L&L Uscita didattica presso Collezione Peggy Guggenheim, Venezia - 16 gennaio

DP1 Classe di Italiano L&L Uscita didattica presso Collezione Peggy Guggenheim, Venezia - 16 gennaio 1400 700 School Office MYP & DP

On Thursday, January 16th 2025, Mr. Molinari, Ms. Gobbo, and Ms. Triantafillis will accompany their DP1 Italian Language…

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Sessioni d'esame DP2 e cerimonia di Diploma - Maggio 2025

Sessioni d'esame DP2 e cerimonia di Diploma - Maggio 2025 1920 1080 School Office MYP & DP

Dear DP2 parents, In preparation for the May 2025 exams, we would like to share with you the…

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Promemoria incontri: Sessione online sul percorso MYP3 - MYP4 e serata di transizione da MYP5 a DP1

Promemoria incontri: Sessione online sul percorso MYP3 - MYP4 e serata di transizione da MYP5 a DP1 2560 1708 School Office MYP 1-3

MYP3 – MYP4 Pathway Online Session For those that missed last week’s opening event, we invite you to…

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Date fondamentali DP

Date fondamentali DP 1920 1080 School Office MYP & DP

As we dive into the ongoing academic year, we want to ensure you are well-informed about the essential…

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