School Counselor

PYP Webinar - “Dalle imprecazioni ad essere premurosi - Oltre le parolacce” - presentazione

PYP Webinar - “Dalle imprecazioni ad essere premurosi - Oltre le parolacce” - presentazione 1920 1080 School Office PYP

Thank you to those that came to our online workshop with our whole School Counsellor Ms. Fiammetta Gioia,…

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Un messaggio dalla School Counselor - PYP

Un messaggio dalla School Counselor - PYP 1340 878 School Office PYP

Another school year is ending and I really would like to say a big thank you to all…

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REGISTRAZIONE: Workshop per genitori PYP - Preadolescenza

REGISTRAZIONE: Workshop per genitori PYP - Preadolescenza 1240 689 School Office PYP

Thank you to all the parents who attended this workshop last week. A recording of the session is…

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Parent Workshop PYP: Fissare dei limiti - Dire di no è necessario nella genitorialità, con Fiammetta Gioia

Parent Workshop PYP: Fissare dei limiti - Dire di no è necessario nella genitorialità, con Fiammetta Gioia 2560 1920 School Office PYP

Please join us on Thursday March 21, from 8:45-10:15, in person in the PYP Outlook or online using…

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Salute mentale - Spazio per la respirazione

Salute mentale - Spazio per la respirazione 2000 1333 School Office PYP

This week our wellbeing team started the new “breathing space” activity from the “mental health month” plan, with…

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Mese della consapevolezza della salute mentale (edificio PYP)

Mese della consapevolezza della salute mentale (edificio PYP) 1920 1080 School Office PYP

Throughout October the PYP students will participate in a series of encounters with Fiammetta Gioia, our school Counselor.…

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Supporto Psicologico - studenti DP 1

Supporto Psicologico - studenti DP 1 2048 1369 School Office MYP & DP

On Wednesday 4th April, our School Counselor, Ms Fiammetta Gioia, led a session about school related stress for …

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Comportamenti educati nelle chat Whatsapp - Ms Fiammetta Gioia (H-IS Counsellor)

Comportamenti educati nelle chat Whatsapp - Ms Fiammetta Gioia (H-IS Counsellor) 993 547 School Office PYP

A few parents participated in a workshop about respectful behaviour in whatsapp chats with Ms Fiammetta Gioia this…

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