
Lista materiali scolastici e libri di testo MYP  

Lista materiali scolastici e libri di testo MYP   2560 1707 School Office MYP & DP

At the following links you will find the equipment lists for MYP students for the 2024-25 school year. …

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MYP App e abbonamenti

MYP App e abbonamenti 2560 1707 Farmer

The school will purchase a series of Apps and online subscriptions (such as a subscription to Education Perfect)…

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Armadietti 2000 1333 School Office MYP & DP

All MYP students will be allocated a locker for storing books and school materials; lockers can be locked…

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DP 1 Bootcamp 

DP 1 Bootcamp  1920 1080 Farmer

We are excited to welcome our DP students to H-Farm International School. The students will begin the incredibly…

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DP Elenco materiali scolastici e libri di testo online

DP Elenco materiali scolastici e libri di testo online 2560 1439 Farmer

The school will provide the DP 1 and DP 2 students with access to the online textbooks adopted…

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MYP 4 Bootcamp

MYP 4 Bootcamp 2560 1707 School Office MYP & DP

From team-building adventures to exciting leadership activities, to help our MYP4 students get in the right mindset and…

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Informazioni after school and scuolabus per l'anno 24-25

Informazioni after school and scuolabus per l'anno 24-25 2560 1708 School Office

Next week we will share the new After School and Bus offer for the next school year. We…

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Richiesta di svuotare aule e armadietti MYP/DP

Richiesta di svuotare aule e armadietti MYP/DP 2560 1707 School Office MYP & DP

Dear Parents, As the school year draws to a close, we kindly remind you to ensure your children…

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Assemblea MYP 1-2-3

Assemblea MYP 1-2-3 2560 1707 School Office MYP & DP

On Thursday, June 20th, the M1-2-3 students will have their final assembly of the year. We will have…

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MYP Donazione di libri scolastici e riciclo di denim con Rifò

MYP Donazione di libri scolastici e riciclo di denim con Rifò 2560 1702 School Office MYP & DP

Dear parents, If your child has books that they will no longer use, they can bring them to…

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MYP 1-2 Science Fair

MYP 1-2 Science Fair 2560 1707 School Office MYP & DP

Dear Parents, We want to extend our heartfelt gratitude to all of you for attending and supporting our…

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Riciclo di jeans con Rifò

Riciclo di jeans con Rifò 596 397 School Office

Help us make a positive environmental impact by bringing your used jeans to our collection totem in the…

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Esami MYP3 settimana 10-14 giugno

Esami MYP3 settimana 10-14 giugno 2000 1483 School Office MYP & DP

Dear MYP3 parents, We are close to the MYP3 exams and I would like to share with you…

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Iniziativa MYP4 STEM+

Iniziativa MYP4 STEM+ 619 461 School Office MYP & DP

In the heart of M4’s STEM+ class, seven students emerged as champions of innovation and sustainability. Giada, Marghertita,…

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MYP1-2 Science Fair

MYP1-2 Science Fair 2000 1333 School Office MYP & DP

On Thursday the 30th May we will be holding our annual M1-2 Science Fair. The students have been…

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Orientamento e carriera universitaria

Orientamento e carriera universitaria 1707 2560 School Office

We are pleased to announce the following Guidance events for M4 – DP1 students and families: MYP4-DP1: Database…

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MYP/DP Gestione del tempo e dello stress - Registrazione del webinar

MYP/DP Gestione del tempo e dello stress - Registrazione del webinar 1652 530 School Office MYP & DP

Dear families,  Our student support team held a webinar about time management and stress regulation for MYP and…

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CLUB Audi - L'IA per l'economia circolare

CLUB Audi - L'IA per l'economia circolare 2678 1220 School Office MYP & DP

📅 Wednesday, May 29 ⏰ 6:15 PM 📍 La Serra, H-FARM Campus An appointment to talk about how…

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MYP Assessment di fine anno

MYP Assessment di fine anno 2560 1708 School Office MYP & DP

The End of Year Assessments for M1-M5 will begin towards the end of May. M1-2 begin their End…

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Sports Day MYP1-2-3

Sports Day MYP1-2-3 2560 1707 School Office MYP & DP

Our MYP Sports Day is just around the corner: it will be next week, on May 24! As…

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