gli studenti MYP2

Workshop con Luca Pretolesi - 27 marzo

Workshop con Luca Pretolesi - 27 marzo 4000 2250 School Office MYP & DP

Dear parents,  On Wednesday, March 27, our students will have the opportunity to participate in an exclusive workshop…

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Orientamento e carriera universitaria

Orientamento e carriera universitaria 1707 2560 School Office MYP & DP

Dear DP 1 families,  We thank all the parents who participated in the online event yesterday.  Please find…

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Obiettivo: eliminare l'uso di sigarette e sigarette elettroniche da parte degli studenti

Obiettivo: eliminare l'uso di sigarette e sigarette elettroniche da parte degli studenti 797 559 School Office MYP & DP

Dear Parents, We need to make sure that we do everything to limit the temptations of smoking on…

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Progetto Eco-School

Progetto Eco-School 1920 1080 School Office MYP & DP

M2 and M3 students have been part of a special project this week. Two days have been dedicated…

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Boot Camp: Vivi un'esperienza in Boarding

Boot Camp: Vivi un'esperienza in Boarding 1920 1080 School Office MYP & DP

A home away from home Participate in H-FARM initiatives (storming pizzas, conferences); develop exciting relationships with peers and…

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Boot Camp sulle candidature universitarie con Jack Shull

Boot Camp sulle candidature universitarie con Jack Shull 1920 1080 School Office MYP & DP

Dear DP1 Families, Embark on an enriching journey with the “Get a Jumpstart on Your College Applications Boot…

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Orientamento e carriera universitaria

Orientamento e carriera universitaria 1707 2560 School Office MYP & DP

We are pleased to announce the the following Guidance events for M5 – DP2 students and families: University…

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Summer Academy 2024

Summer Academy 2024 1200 628 School Office

More than 40 experiences in technology and STEAM subjects, creativity, sports, English, and university orientation courses. Learn, have…

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Weekly Work Focus

Weekly Work Focus 908 972 School Office MYP & DP

In M1 the students are currently designing their own Eco-houses. This is an IDU (Interdisciplinary Unit) involving Maths…

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Orientamento e carriera universitaria

Orientamento e carriera universitaria 1707 2560 School Office

We are pleased to announce the the following Guidance events for M5 – DP2 students and families: University…

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Storming Pizza – 5 marzo

Storming Pizza – 5 marzo 1242 830 School Office

Tuesday, March 5 – 6:15 PM @LaSerra, H-FARM Campus  An event designed to give people a chance to…

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Foto per lo Yearbook MYP e DP

Foto per lo Yearbook MYP e DP 2560 1707 School Office MYP & DP

We remind you that we will take the photos for the Yearbook as scheduled below: Monday, February 26…

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Personal Project Exhibition

Personal Project Exhibition 2560 1707 School Office MYP & DP

Dear Families, We are thrilled to share the success of the Personal Project exhibition, which took place on…

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Giornata internazionale della lingua materna

Giornata internazionale della lingua materna 725 407 School Office MYP & DP

On February 21st we celebrated International Mother Language Day, a worldwide event held annually. The day was established…

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Esami di fine anno DP1

Esami di fine anno DP1 2000 1500 School Office MYP & DP

Dear DP1 parents,  End-of-year exams are scheduled to take place from June 13th to June 20th. These exams…

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CLUB Robotics – 27.02

CLUB Robotics – 27.02 799 553 School Office MYP & DP

Tuesday, February 27 – 6:15 PM @LaSerra, H-FARM Campus  Robotics is playing an increasingly crucial role in today’s…

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Reports MYP & DP

Reports MYP & DP 1754 1239 School Office MYP & DP

End of Semester reports have been released this week. If you have any questions or queries about how…

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Weekly Work Focus

Weekly Work Focus 1514 1140 School Office MYP & DP

Dear families,  In M2 English this week the students have been working on raising awareness regarding ‘Food waste’.…

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MYP5: Form per la scelta delle materie DP (Promemoria)

MYP5: Form per la scelta delle materie DP (Promemoria) 1262 744 School Office MYP & DP

Dear MYP5 parents, if you haven’t already, please remember to complete the subject choice form. All the relevant…

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Basketball Victory – Congratulations!

Basketball Victory – Congratulations! 1136 838 School Office MYP & DP

Our Under 14 Basketball team traveled to Brussels last weekend to participate in the ISSC (International Schools Sports…

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