club degli insegnanti

Cambio club PYP - il 2 trimestre inizia il 9 dicembre

Cambio club PYP - il 2 trimestre inizia il 9 dicembre 2560 1707 School Office PYP

Thursday, December 5th will be the last day of the current Teacher Clubs for the first trimester (except…

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Promemoria inizio delle attività doposcuola

Promemoria inizio delle attività doposcuola 2000 1333 School Office PYP

We remind you that ALL after school activities (clubs and sports) will start from Monday, September 9th. PYP…

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PYP TEACHER Club dopo scuola - 3 term

PYP TEACHER Club dopo scuola - 3 term 2000 1333 School Office PYP

We remind you that starting from Tuesday, March 26th the after-school TEACHER clubs will change and our third…

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Cambio Teachers Clubs PYP - nuovo trimestre e nuovi club

Cambio Teachers Clubs PYP - nuovo trimestre e nuovi club 2000 1333 School Office PYP

Thursday, November 30th will be the last day of the current Teacher Clubs for the first trimester (except…

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I CLUB PYP after school cambieranno da lunedì 27 marzo

I CLUB PYP after school cambieranno da lunedì 27 marzo 2000 1333 School Office PYP

This is a kind reminder about the scheduled change in PYP after school clubs with teachers. If you…

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PROMEMORIA: Attività after school PYP - NOVITÀ!

PROMEMORIA: Attività after school PYP - NOVITÀ! 2000 1333 Farmer

We remind parents that current PYP Activities will change on March 27th. We are pleased to offer several…

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Attività after school PYP - NOVITÀ!

Attività after school PYP - NOVITÀ! 2000 1333 School Office PYP

We remind parents that current PYP Activities will change on March 27th. We are pleased to offer several…

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NUOVE attività dopo scuola (Club insegnanti, Arts&Culture) in partenza da lunedì 12 dicembre

NUOVE attività dopo scuola (Club insegnanti, Arts&Culture) in partenza da lunedì 12 dicembre 798 681 School Office PYP

PYP Teachers Clubs: all requests received are confirmed except for International Dance Club. We have already reached out…

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Attività dopo scuola (Sport, Club insegnanti, Arts&Culture) - secondo e terzo trimestre

Attività dopo scuola (Sport, Club insegnanti, Arts&Culture) - secondo e terzo trimestre 798 681 School Office PYP

The complete offering of the after school activities (both second and third trimester) is available at this link.…

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