uniforme scolastica

Campionario divise scolastiche nell'edificio PYP

Campionario divise scolastiche nell'edificio PYP 1620 1620 School Office PYP

You are welcome to try the school uniforms during school hours 8:30-16:15 in the PYP building: a sample…

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Promemoria divise scolastiche

Promemoria divise scolastiche 833 378 School Office MYP & DP

Dear Parents,  We kindly ask for your cooperation in reminding students that the school uniform is compulsory. The…

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Divisa scolastica e abbigliamento invernale

Divisa scolastica e abbigliamento invernale 833 378 School Office MYP & DP

We understand that situations arise and at times it may be difficult for your children to come to…

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