Online Information Session for Terza Media Exam

Online Information Session for Terza Media Exam

Online Information Session for Terza Media Exam 1920 1080 School Office MYP 1-3

Dear Parents,

We would like to invite you to an online information session regarding the Terza Media process, presented by Mr. Ramagli. This session will take place on Thursday, February 27th, at 09:30 AM.

During the session, Mr. Ramagli will provide important details about the requirements, key deadlines, and preparation for the Terza Media exams. There will also be an opportunity for you to ask any questions you may have.

This session is particularly important for parents of MYP3 students who will be taking the Terza Media exams, and we strongly encourage you to attend.

Please use the this link to join the meeting.

We look forward to seeing you there.