Robomed experience

Robomed experience

Robomed experience 2560 1920 School Office PYP

Our teams of coders made us all very proud during the international Robomed robotics competition in Lisbon last week. Our Year 4 and Year 5 PYP students successfully competed against 17 teams of Middle and High school students from Chicago, Italy, Portugal, Spain, and Tunisia. This intense and valuable learning experience allowed our young teams to experience what it takes to succeed in a robotics competition: preparation, flexibility, strong coding skills, teamwork and good sportspersonship.
Our teams made it through to 3 semi-finals and tied for third in two events! Quite a feat for the 11 youngest students out of the 130 competitors. We’re all incredibly proud of their results and of how well they represented our school throughout the experience. Many thanks to Mr. Owen and Mr Poggi for their months of work with our students which resulted in a fantastic learning experience for all! Please watch this video to view highlights of the 4 intense and incredible days.