School Attendance and Early Exit

School Attendance and Early Exit

School Attendance and Early Exit 2000 1125 School Office MYP & DP

Dear Parents,

We would like to remind you of our school’s policy regarding student attendance. It is important that all students remain on campus until 16:15 when lessons end. If there is a necessity for your child to leave early, please ensure to provide a written excuse through ManageBac.

For our DP students, we want to emphasise that study periods are not leisure time but an opportunity to work on assignments and internal assessments and if they struggle to organise their time, they may approach a member from the SEN and EAL departments, or their teachers for advice.

When students miss learning time, they fall behind and need to catch up at another point. For this reason, students missing class without being excused will be required to make this up at other times at lunch or after school.

Your cooperation in these matters is greatly appreciated as we strive to provide a structured and effective learning environment for all our students.

Kind regards,

Emiliano Cori

Secondary School Principal