Sickness: what to do

Sickness: what to do

Sickness: what to do 2560 1707 School Office PYP

As the cooler weather begins to set in, we would like to remind parents about how we keep our students safe at school. Please ensure that your child comes dressed for the expected weather. If it is expected to rain, students should come with coats. We ask that parents leave a pair of boots at school to allow students to continue playing when the weather gets wetter. A child without boots will not be allowed to play on the grass when it has been raining.

If your child is sick with a fever, please keep them home. A child should be fever free (without medication) for 24 hours before returning to school. This means that they are fit and ready for learning, and they are keeping their friends safe as well.

If your child is sick with a runny nose, please ensure that you send them to school with tissues, and they are able to wipe their own nose independently. If you feel your child is too sick to play outside, then they are too sick to come to school. All children who come to school are expected to enjoy our fantastic outside provisions.

Please remember that students are not allowed to self-medicate, so please do not give your child any medicine to be kept in his backpack.