
Let’s Spark a Conversation 11th May – Summary

Let’s Spark a Conversation 11th May – Summary 2160 1080 School Office MYP & DP

Dear Parents,  Please read at this link an exhaustive summary of last week’s Let’s Spark a Conversation event,…

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REMINDER: Open Day After School 2023/24 – Saturday 27th May, 9:30

REMINDER: Open Day After School 2023/24 – Saturday 27th May, 9:30 1257 709 School Office PYP

The school year is about to end and we are ready to present to you all the projects…

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REMINDER: H-CARE Webinar (online) for Parents

REMINDER: H-CARE Webinar (online) for Parents 2142 1304 School Office PYP

We are happy to share the last Webinar organized by H-FARM International School Vicenza with Reach Aut. These…

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“Children and Frustration: Theirs and Ours” a Parent Workshop with Rocio Ortega, PRH Educator

“Children and Frustration: Theirs and Ours” a Parent Workshop with Rocio Ortega, PRH Educator 2560 1707 School Office PYP

We invite all PYP parents to attend this special in person session with Rocio Ortega on Tuesday June…

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PYP Exhibition 2023

PYP Exhibition 2023 682 382 School Office PYP

The PYP Exhibition is the culminating event of the entire Primary Years Program (PYP). This extended inquiry project,…

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Parent use of mobile phones at school events

Parent use of mobile phones at school events 2560 1707 School Office PYP

Over the coming weeks we have a number of events here at school that will involve parents.We kindly…

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REMINDER: Student Led Conferences PYP – Monday, June 19

REMINDER: Student Led Conferences PYP – Monday, June 19 2000 1271 School Office PYP

Student Led Conferences provide another way for parents to learn more about their child and their learning at…

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Open Day After School 2023/24 – Saturday 27th May, 9:30

Open Day After School 2023/24 – Saturday 27th May, 9:30 1257 709 School Office PYP

The school year is about to end and we are ready to present to you all the projects…

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Student Led Conferences PYP – Monday, June 19

Student Led Conferences PYP – Monday, June 19 2000 1271 School Office PYP

Student Led Conferences provide another way for parents to learn more about their child and their learning at…

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REMINDER: H-CARE Webinar (online) for Parents

REMINDER: H-CARE Webinar (online) for Parents 2142 1304 School Office PYP

We are happy to share 3 Webinars organized by H-FARM International School Vicenza with Reach Aut. These workshops…

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Registration of the Meeting with Mr de Wilde – Choosing an IB Education

Registration of the Meeting with Mr de Wilde – Choosing an IB Education 2560 1707 School Office MYP & DP

Dear Parents,  We are sharing a registration of the online meeting with Mr Conan de Wilde about the…

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REMINDER: Let’s Spark a Conversation!

REMINDER: Let’s Spark a Conversation! 2160 1080 School Office PYP

Dear families, After the success of our last community event, we want to invite you to the next…

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REMINDER: H-CARE Webinar (online) for Parents

REMINDER: H-CARE Webinar (online) for Parents 2142 1304 School Office PYP

We are happy to share 3 Webinars organized by H-FARM International School Vicenza with Reach Aut. These workshops…

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REMINDER: Y4 message to Elementary parents

REMINDER: Y4 message to Elementary parents 1024 768 School Office PYP

Dear parents, Year 4 has started our new Economy unit. For this unit we started a business made…

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Choosing an IB Education: a cost / benefit analysis – May 3rd

Choosing an IB Education: a cost / benefit analysis – May 3rd 2560 1707 School Office MYP & DP

Dear Parents, In an effort to respond to your requests for more information on what it means to…

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Y4 message to Elementary parents

Y4 message to Elementary parents 2560 1707 School Office PYP

Dear parents, Year 4 has started our new Economy unit. For this unit we started a business made…

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REMINDER: H-CARE Webinar (online) for Parents

REMINDER: H-CARE Webinar (online) for Parents 2142 1304 School Office PYP

We are happy to share 3 Webinars organized by H-FARM International School Vicenza with Reach Aut. These workshops…

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ONE srl: our New Administration Partner

ONE srl: our New Administration Partner 5443 3063 School Office MYP & DP

Dear families, In order to improve the administration service, H-FARM International School has signed a partnership with ONE…

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Supervising Children on Campus after school

Supervising Children on Campus after school 2000 1125 School Office PYP

A kind reminder to all parents to ensure you supervise your children if you spend time on campus…

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H-CARE Webinar (online) for Parents

H-CARE Webinar (online) for Parents 2142 1304 School Office PYP

We are happy to share 3 Webinars organized by H-FARM International School Vicenza with Reach Aut. These workshops…

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